Refactor database structure to manage additional fields
A huge refactor has been done in order to manage additional fields (addfields), which results in a better database organization and efficiency. In terms of the appearance, an enhancement has been done in the dialogs in order to ease the addition of fields to all features, specific features or each singular element from table cat_feature. Moreover, the value domain of the selectors and text boxes from the dialog have been changed in order to standardize and fix the relation between the dialog and table "config_form_fields".
In terms of functionality, the table "man_addfields_value" has been removed with the purpose of simpliflying the management of values of the additional fields that are created. Thus, for each feature involved in the creation of an additional field, a new separate table is created in order to store the values of its additional fields.
As an example, an additional field created for hydrants will lead to the creation of a new table consisting of the feature_id and as many columns as there are additional fields for the hydrant. On the other hand, when additional fields for multiple features are created, a new column for each additional table is created. Finally, the additional fields are added to child views by joining these additional tables to the editable views.
Change QGIS templates: add direction arrow on links and delete flowtrace layers for UD
An arrow has been added to links' symbology of the QGIS template project in order to show their direction. This arrow can only be seen at high zooms.
CAD Tools: Show a preview of what will be drawn & change circle geometry type to MultiCurve
An enhancement in CAD tools has been implemented by showing a preview of the geometry as values are entered in the text boxes. This results in a more interactive tool and easy to use.
Moreover, the geometry type of circles has been changed to multicurve as an enhancement in order to simplify the geometry.
Add layers button: ask before removing a layer
A warning appears when a layer that has been previously loaded through Add Giswater Layers button is going to be removed from QGIS Canvas.
Refactor of gw_trg_link_connecrotation_update. Drop not necessary code and make it useful for QGIS latest versions (quadrant has change to position priority)
An enhancement has been done in connecs' symbology in order to rotate its label using the angle between the pipe and its link. This is controlled through a variable in table "config_param_system" called "edit_link_update_connecrotation" and it takes boolean values (true or false to enable or disable this property).
Once the variable is set to True, the symbology of connecs must be configurated by using the parameters' configuration written in column "descript" of table "config_param_system" for the parameter "edit_link_update_connecrotation".
New field meter_code on man_meter (WS)
A new field has been added to table "man_meter" under the name of "meter_code" in order to type the serial number or identification code for that meter.
Allow using the selected exploitations on mapzones analysis
A new option has been added to the dialog of Mapzones Analysis in order to execute the mapzones analysis for the selected exploitation in the Giswater Selector.
Enable tab 'Additional pump' in Dscenario and add/edit controls & rules with proper dialog
The dialogs for Additional Pumps, Rules and Controls have been enabled. Now, it is possible to add additional pumps, controls or rules to the selected dscenario.
Calculate avg_press on mapzones for corporate results
Now, when a hydraulic model is set as a corporate, the mean pressure of all nodes and/or connecs (depending on the selected simulation options) is calculated for all the mapzones involved in that model. This value is stored in column "avg_press" for each mapzone table in WS projects.
PG_SERVICE: Improve management of credentials when using pgservice file
An enhancement has been done in order to manage the PG Service credentials by adding a new environment variable.
Last updated