

Add styles for EPA world for parent layers

From now on, the layers that figure out in EPA World (EPA Point of View Button that recently exists) have different symbologies and colours compared to their parent layers. Therefore, the difference between both layouts is more noticeable.

This image shows the network from the point of view of inventory:

With the EPA World button activated, the network can be seen with a different symbology (see image below). This fact makes it easier for the user to notice the difference between the inventory elements and the EPA elements.

Add field is_operative to v_edit_tables

The field is_operative has been added to v_edit_tables. This field comes from the table value_state_type, which shows the operativity for each state type. By adding this field to the v_edit_tables, the user can see the operativity for all elements displayed in the v_edit_tables. Those elements with an is_operative = FALSE will not be exported to EPA. Only the elements with an is_operative TRUE are going to be exported to EPA.

Use strategy of v_sector_node for inp view

This strategy has been developed to enhance the display of all network elements specially when there are elements belonging to other sectors which are located in the boundary of one with another.

Having one selected sector, when a node was connected to 2 arcs with different sector, one of the arcs looked like it was not accomplishing the topographic rules of Giswater, as its ending node belonged to another sector and eventually it did not appeared due to the fact that only one sector was selected.

To solve this, a new table view has been created with the name of v_sector_node. This table view shows the first connected node from the different sector which is connected to the arc that belongs to the current selected sector. This allows the user to see a well-connected network despite having boundary elements that belong to any non-selected sectors. It is a visual enhancement in order to see the network of a sector in a much better way. Its use may be remarkable for storages (UD) and tanks (WS).

Last updated