


Highlight connecs that will be disconnected on feature end process

When some arc has to be downgraded but it has connections, a form appear showing a list of these connecs. Now, when a row of this list is selected, the connec will be highlighted in the map canvas.

Use hemisphere change to rotate node 180º

Having 'Disable node rotation on update' variable of Giswater's Toolbox in FALSE, now is possible to add 180º to the rotation value of any node. It's also necessary that the node have TRUE value on choose_hemisphere column from cat_feature_node table.

To do so, you just need to click Rotation button on the top of the custom form and then another click on the map canvas, near the node.

This process will add 180º to the rotation value and also will calculate hemisphere value, as it did before.

You will only see results in the canvas if the symbol of the layer is managed by 'rotation' field.


New functions to import scada values & hydrometer values (focused on waterbalance)

There are 2 new functions on Import CSV tool to import data for scada and hydrometer values.

  1. Import scada values inputs:

    • node_id - id of the scada feature

    • value_date - date of the value

    • value - water volume

  2. Import hydrometer values inputs:

    • hydrometer_id - id of the hydrometer

    • cat_period_id - period related to ext_cat_period table

    • value - water volume

    • value_date - date of the value

These imports will fill waterbalances tables, which data is mandatory if you want to use waterbalances processes and reports.


Force reservoirs/tanks on inlets when Go2EPA for WS

When running Go2EPA on WS project, all features with epa_type = INLET will be transformed to:

  • RESERVOIR - when there are as many pipes as you want but all are related to same sector.

  • TANK - when there are as many pipes as you want and there are at least two sectors involved.


Add commitChanges parameter in mapzones function to allow running it without change feature table values

A new variable has been added to Mapzones analysis process. In the form of the function, now is possible if you want to commit changes or not.

Unselecting this checkbox will also run the same process but not changing inventory values. It can be very useful to run a 'test' process.

To see the results you can query using this values fid values and then symbolize using the filled column:






SELECT * FROM anl_arc WHERE fid = (XX) AND cur_user=current_user;
SELECT * FROM anl_connec WHERE fid = (XX) AND cur_user=current_user;

Last updated