

Enhance setclosestaddress function allowing to insersect the results with a polygon layer

A new widget has been added to the function which allows the user to specify a polygon layer (i. e. buildings layer). If specified, the address will be captured only for those elements of the input layer which intersect the polygon layer.

This can be configured on table config_toolbox. This table contains the configuration for every function in Giswater, which is stored in 3 main columns: functionparams, inputparams and active. In this case, the target function is called Get address values from closest street number and the column used for customization is called inputparams. This column consists of a json string that defines the widgets for every function in Giswater. The parameters that enable the user to customize the widget are the ones that belong to

"widgetname": "insertsectPolygonLayer"

which are "comboIds" and "comboNames".

The values for "comboIds" must be the name or names of the polygon layers, while the values for "comboNames" must be the name of user's choice according to the polygon layer name specified in "comboIds". There must be a value called "NONE" in both "comboIds" and "comboNames" in order to keep the functionality of the widget.

The user can add or remove as many comboIds and comboNames as wanted inside the widget intersectPolygonLayer, as long as json's syntax rules are followed.


Bug fix: saving project sometimes crashed qgis

This issue has been solved and now it is very unlikely to happen, thus enhancing user experience.

Last updated