


Display messages in forms instead of the canvas

When an error or info message returns from an action in the form of the elements, this message will be shown in the top of the form. Here is much more easy to read compared to the top of the canvas, where it can be hidden or unnoticed.

Add node rotation logics on UD projects

Automatic node rotation logics was only available in WS projects until this version. Now the same logics have been added to UD projects, so automatic rotation for nodes will be calculated if Config tool 'Disable node rotation on update' isn't checked. If checked, this calculation will be disabled.

A new variable have been added to enable automatic fill of link data for point elements (node and connec) using Google Maps geolocation.

To enable it you just need to set {"google_maps":true,"fid":false} to edit_custom_link variable on config_param_system table.

With this variable enabled, each time a new node or connec is added, link field will be automatically filled with Google Maps URL to the exact position of the element.

This link can be easily opened by clicking on the path or using the Open link button on the top of the form.

Enhance delete feature: allow delete nodes connected to obsolete arcs (bug fix) and show on_service/obsolete arcs on getfeaturerelation

Delete feature tool have been improved by fixing a bug which doesn't allow users to delete nodes that have relations with obsolete arcs.

Besides, now the tool shows if arcs are on service or obsolete before on Show feature relations.


Allow recalculate a mincut from another point when is planified

Now it's possible to fully recalculate a mincut, even changing it's initial point. Until now it was only possible to recalculate having the same initial point.

To do so it's as simple as open mincut form and use again Automatic Mincut tool to recalculate clicking on another point. Affected network will be updated, but the data already filled will be mantained unless it is changed by user.

New toolbox function to find reach of hydrants

A new function have been added to Giswater's Toolbox. Not only will allow users to calculate the reach to the current hydrant network, but also will help defining new hydrant location.

There are different steps to take into account:

  • Firehose range - Variable length of the fire hose which will be used to calcul. By default 100 meters.

  • Process mode

    • Influence area - Calculates influence area of the current hydrant network.

    • Hydrant proposal - Duplicates firehose range to allow defining location of new hydrants.

  • Use proposed hydrants - If checked, calculation will sum current hydrant network with new proposed hydrants defined in v_edit_anl_hydrant layer. To add new hydrants to this layer is as simple as load it into the project and insert new points on desired places (no data needed).

  • Use selected psector - Takes into account currently selected psectors. If they have hydrants, it's influence area will be calculated.

The result of the process will be shown in temporal layers automatically loaded into ToC.

Notice that this process could be only used if om_streetaxis table on the DB is filled.

The goal of this table is to have the streetaxis information, same as ext_streetaxis table, but divided in every street crossing.


Show message if curve is invalid

When adding a new curve using Non-Visual object manager and values are invalid, a warning message will be shown to users.

Add the_geom on Waterbalance views

Geometry field have been added to waterbalance related views, so they can be loaded into QGIS projects and visualize waterbalance data using it's dma geometry. Affected views are:

  • v_om_waterbalance

  • v_om_waterbalance_loss

  • v_om_waterbalance_nrw


Add widget to hide querytext in Toolbox reports

Query used in Toolbox's reports now can be hide or shown using a simple widget.

New variable to manage snapping configuration

A new variable named utils_use_gw_snapping have been added to config_param_system table. If its value is TRUE, Giswater's tools will automatically configure snapping options for network layers each time they are used. Otherwise, if FALSE, Giswater's tools will never change any snapping options, allowing a complete customized configuration in QGIS projects.

Last updated