


New variable to open Hydrometer tab on Connec instead of Basic Form when searching an hydrometer

A new parameter has been added to table config_param_system under the name of basic_search_hydrometer_show_connec. This variable is involved with tab Hydrometer inside the Search plus Button and it displays the hydrometer info through a Basic Info form or a Giswater Info form according to the parameter's value. When its value is FALSE, the hydrometer info will show up on a Basic Info form. Otherwise, if the parameter is set to TRUE, the hydrometer info will appear on a Giswater Info form by showing up the tab Hydrometer of its related connec.

Creation of example data for inventory

A new option is available in the main dialog of the plugin when creating a new DB Project Schema. Now, it is possible to create an example data containing only those features related to inventory. Comparing to the Full Example, the Inventory Example does not provide hydraulic modelling data.


Manage Hydrology scenarios and DWF Scenarios (UD)

Hydrology and Dry Water Flow (DWF) Scenarios can now be manage by using the Dscenario Manager button.

Each of them has its own dialog and several buttons to manage its properties. It is possible to create empty scenarios or scenarios with values, as well as Duplicate them, Delete them or Update its properties. There is also a Toolbox button which opens the Toolbox Function of Manage Hydrology Values or Manage DWF Values in each case.

Add Roughness catalog on Non-Visual Objects Manager (WS)

The Roughness Catalog has been added as a new tab into the Non-Visual Objects Manager. Now, it is possible to manage the roughness of any material through the different buttons shown in the Non-Visual Objects Manager. This is a more integrated way of managing the roughness as a non-visual object.

Huge enhancement of performance by creating rpt_arc and rpt_node stats table with materialized results

A performance enhancement has been made on the whole process of creating and displaying the EPA Results. The enhancement consists of creating 2 new tables (rpt_arc_stats and rpt_node_stats) and show the information through the table views v_arc and v_node. The table view definitions have been modified in order to avoid extracting data via complex queries. Now, these table views show the data from the new mentioned tables, avoiding complex queries.


Enhance button execute netscenario on Netscenario Manager

A new button has been added to the Netscenario Manager. Once a netscenario is selected, the button can be used in order to execute a Mapzone Netscenario analysis.

New function to merge psectors (gw_fct_psector_merge)

A new function has been developed in order to merge multiple psectors into a single one. This can be found as a new button in Psector Manager or as a new function in the Giswater Toolbox.

Having selected 2 or more psectors, the Merge button from above can be used to merge them. This button opens the function dialog where the parameters are already set if the operation has been done from the Psector Manager. It is mandatory that the selected psectors have the same status, priority, psector_type and expl_id so they can be merged.

Once the process starts, a new psector will be created as a result of merging the selected psectors. Also, several log messages will appear in the Info Log tab indicating all the actions that have taken place during the merging process.

New function setreapirpsector to be used to repair psectors when they have wrong topology

This function fixes topological issues in psectors. It fixes the following issues:

  • Fills the "link_id" for obsolete connecs (those with state=0) where "link_id" is null

  • Finds and repairs operative and planned arcs without operative nodes in the psector

  • Finds and repairs planned arcs without planned nodes in the psector

This function warns the user about topological errors that have been generated while using the Psector Manager. Once any of the mentioned issues occure, a warning message appears and gives the option to overview the topological issues.

When the dialog appears, the topological issues appear marked in red. By clicking on the Repair button, the function setrepairpsector runs and fixes the topological inconsistencies shown in the dialog.

Enhance import rpt results in order to load it when they are generated by EPANET ui

Now it is possible to import an EPANET result file not only when the simulation has been run through command line but also when it has been run using the EPANET User Interface.

Last updated