Add editable views for cat_feature objects
New editable views related to cat_feature have been added to Giswater schemas in this version. As you may know, cat_feature tables are where diferent feature types are defined. Then, every catalog have to be related to one of the values of these tables. These tables are editable and you could add some new types if it's necessary.
New views are:
v_edit_cat_feature_gully (for UD)
They are useful because only editing its values you'll change the data on the necessary 2 tables of the database, using a trigger.
This way there is no need to change common values on cat_feature table and specific values on cat_feature_arc/node/connec/gully as it was before.
QGIS new templates in version 3.5.024 already include these layers on Catalogs group, so they can be edited easily via QGIS.
Use gully Units field to draw related polygon
Length and width of gullies can be configured in their catalog (cat_grate). These values can be used to automatically draw a polygon around the gully if double geometry variable is active.
Now it is also be posible to use Units field of the gully to multiply the length of the polygon, in order to represent on the map where some gullies lay one next to another.
Using this is as simple as fill Units field with the number of adjoining elements and, of course, have previously configured length and width in correspondent catalog and have active value for double geometry variable.
Orphan node function runs with all kind of nodes (divide or not)
Until thise release you need to check wheter you want to search for orphan nodes that divide arcs or not. It was impossible to check both simultanously. Now the toolbox function to check Orphan nodes runs at the same time searching for:
Orphan nodes that divide arcs - Isn't node1/node2 for any of the arcs on the project.
Orphan nodes that doesn't divide arcs - Doesn't have related arc_id.
Divide Check Project processes related to orphan nodes in OM or EPA
A new process have been added to Giswater's Check Project to check orphan nodes related to OM (explaiend in the previous paragraph). This new process (442) complements the existing one about orphan nodes related to EPA (107).
This way Check Project gets enhanced adding one of the most usual problems that networks can have and was missing in this check.
New trigger to update modification_date field on Mincut
A new trigger have been added to mincut table to save the value of the modification_date field. The goal of this is to know which day the data of the mincut have been changed. Obiously, if the data have change the same day that this mincut have been created, modification_date won't change.
Only some specific values will trigger this functionality, because it's logical that some other values will always change when mincut is executed⬇️
Add waterbalance strategy according IWA standards with om_waterbalance reports, functions, tables and views
This is a new option in Giswater toolbox to make water balances by exploitation and period according the IWA standards, based mainly on inlet flow rates (system volume input) and water consumption (billed metered consumption). But if there is more information like unbilled authorized consumption, apparent loses or real loses, it would be possible to incorporate them to the balance too.
This function is linked with the DMA calculation and if you needed, you could recalculate them when you run it.
In this process is possible to check different reports from the balance like full water balance, input water by exploitation, Non-Revenue Water (NRW) by exploitation and water consumption. All of them you could filtered by DMA and period.
Add Execution Time to different processes' dialog
A new widget showing the execution time have been added to some dialogs which execute processes that can last some time. This can be helpful for users to analyse timings and be aware that the process is still running in case that this last for a long period of time.
Add Update button to Workspace Manager and minor improvement on delete
Now is possible to update an existing workspace setting the current configuration. Of course the previous configuration of this updated workspace will be lost.
Additionally, now is also possible to delete the current Workspace, which was not possible so far.
Improve reporting tool of Giswater Toolbox
Some improvements have been done to reporting tool of Giswater Toolbox:
Description of the report and executed Query are now seen in the top of the form
Now this process is a thread.
Manage NULL's that were causing a crash.
New variable added to config_param_system to manage lastupdate field when using dynamic mapzones
A new variable called edit_mapzones_set_lastupdate have been added to config_param_system. It allows user to choose if lastupdate field of arc, node, connec or gully will be updated or not when dynamic mapzones algorithm is executed.
As this is a usual process, it can be interesting to don't update this field every time, as the goal of the field is to save information about last manual update of the data.
Default value of this variable is 'false'.
Last updated