


They have now similar capabilities as node, arc and connec does.

  • Use Giswater info button to get the form and edit data

  • Insert new link using Edit toolbar Insert arc tool (it's still possible to insert using QGIS regular tools)

There are several ways to manage connections and their links when they are in a planified state.

For each connection with State=1 in the psector, a new link will be created in the database. There are two possible scenarios:

  • Connection in Plannified state - It will have 1 link in Plannified state.

  • Connection in In Service state - It will have 2 links, 1 in In Service state (which will be displayed without the psector), 1 in the Planified state (which will be displayed with the psector).

This second case serves to change the way of connection using the psector. To do it you have to:

  1. Add the desired connections to the psector Relations.

  2. Change the geometry of the link or its arc_id. It can be done in several ways:

    1. Manually edit the link with the usual QGIS tools. In case the connection point is in a different section, the arc_id will be changed automatically.

    2. Use the Set arc_id tool from the connections tab of the psector. On the selected rows you can establish which section you want to connect to. The connection point can be established as the closest place of the selected section (Set closest point) or the exact place where the section has been clicked (Set user click).

New fields on review tables

Some new fields have been added to review tables in order to allow revision of more accurate data. New available fields are:

  • Field_date: date of the revision(WS and UD)

  • Steps pp: to indicate the number of polypropylene steps (for manhole UD)

  • Steps fe: to indicate the number of iron steps (for manhole UD)

  • Steps replace: to indicate if some steps needs to be replaced (for manhole UD)

  • Cover: to indicate cover state (for manhole UD)

Improve address search returning values even if writing mismatch

The address search now is capable of returning values even if writing mismatch any value on the street table. It will show similar values.

This is posible using Postgres extension called fuzzystrmatch. It will be automatically installed when the Giswater update is done.

New fields on inventory tables

Some new fields have been added to inventroy tables:

  • om_state: Establish operational state of the element (added for node, arc, connec WS)

  • conserv_state: Establish conservation state of the element (added for node, arc, connec WS)

  • priority: To set priority value of the element (added for connec WS)

  • valve_location: To set where the valve of the connec is located. For example: Garden, Parking, Ditch, Locker... (added for connec WS)

  • valve_type: To set the type of the valve related to a connec. For example: Ball, Gate, Butterfly... (added for connec WS)

  • shutoff_valve: Establish whether the connec has shutoff valve or not (added for connec WS)

  • access_type: Establish how to acces to the element (added for connec, node WS)

  • placement_type: If the element is located within another element, this field can be used to set exactly where it is placed. For example: Register, Facility, Stand... (added for connec, node WS)

  • crmzone_id: Related to which crm zone the connec belongs to (added for connec WS)

  • valve_type: To set the additional type of the valve, unlinked from the catalog (added for valve WS)

  • wjoin_type: To set the additional type of the water join, unlinked from the catalog. For example: Domestic, Industrial, Irrigation, Fire... (added for water join WS)

  • greentap_type: To set the additional type of the greentap, unlinked from the catalog (added for greentap WS)

  • cat_valve: To set the catalog of the valve related to greentap (added for greentap WS)

  • hydrant_type: To set the additional type of the hydrant, unlinked from the catalog (added for hydrant WS)

Allow basic info editable

For those elements of the project that can be clicked using Giswater's info tool and return a basic form, an edition button is now available.


New funcional mapzone for UD: Drainzone

Drainzone is the first functional mapzone to be used on urban drainage projects. It will automatically sectorizate different zones given the OUTFALLS of the network, creating, as a result, the reach of every DRAINZONE.

Configuration is very similar to existing mapzones on WS projects:

  • Set true on config_param_system the variable for utils_graphanalytics_status.

  • Configure a new drainzone for every existing OUTFALL. On table drainzone, set a name, descript, expl_id and graphconfig (unlinke WS mapzones, here it must be only configured the nodeParent key).

Here is an example for graphconfig field (240 is the node_id of and outfall):

{"use":[{"nodeParent":"240"}], "ignore":[], "forceClosed":[]}

Having the correct configuration, you can open Giswater's Toolbox and find the function to run the Mapzones analysis. On WS projects it is located on Master section, but drainzone is considerated an operational process, so it is located on OM section.

As a result of the function:

  • Geometry of every drainzone on the current exploitation is updated (depending on the mapzone constructor method).

  • Field drainzone_id for every node, arc, connec and gully is set to its given drainzone.

If you don't check Commit changes variable, the results won't be automatically applied, giving the chance to firstly consult the results on a temporary table via SQL query. Once you have the desired results, then check Commit changes.


New function gw_fct_epa2data (WS) that copies results from EPA to data form

Now is possible to get some values of an EPA result and merge them with inventory tables, allowing users to consult these data on the main form of the element. Until now, these values were only available on the EPA tables of the data model.

To do so a new function have to be executed:

SELECT gw_fct_epa2data($${"client":{"device":4, "infoType":1, "lang":"ES", "epsg":25831}, "data":{"resultId":"your_result_name_here"}}$$);

It could also be configured to run easily using the Giswater's Toolbox.

The result of the execution will be seen on the form of the elements.

For nodes the available data is related to demand, pression and head.

For arcs the available data is related to flow and velocity.

For connecs the avaiable data is related to pression.

These EPA related data will be stored in new tables of the DB called node_add, arc_add and connec_add. If the function is ran again with another EPA result, the values of these tables will be overwrited.


Allow different execution modes for psector

The capacity of executing a psector were available in lower versions, but there was a variable to decide which execution mode you want to use.

Now all the developed modes have been merged and they are all available without using any variable.

As a result, if the status of the psector is modified, depending on the value that is established, certain changes can be executed automatically.

The available states are the following:

  • PLANNED - For planned psectors. It is the most common as the initial state of a psector.

  • IN PROGRESS - When a psector is running. Your change does not run any automatic processes.

  • EXECUTED - For executed psectors. There are 3 subtypes:

    • Do nothing: It only changes the state but does not execute any automatic process.

    • Obsolete: The elements that were planned will go to the OBSOLETE state but it will be indicated by their type of state that they were previously planned elements. For example, the status type could be PLANNED DONE (status type names are fully configurable).

    • On Service: The elements that were planified will become IN SERVICE state. The elements that were planned to be removed from the psector will become OBSOLETE state. A copy of the psector will be generated to keep track of what you had planned.

  • CANCELED - When a psector is cancelled. The elements that were planned will go to the OBSOLETE state but it will be indicated by their type of state that they were previously planned elements. For example the status type could be PLANNIFIED CANCELED.

Add button "Toggle active" and checkbox "Show inactive" on psector manager form

A new button have been added on the Relations tab of psector form. The aim of the button is to make easier to change the state or the doable value of some relations.

When using psectors in an advanced way, in some occasions it is needed to change the value of these two fields. Using the new button users can select multiple rows and then toggle value of all of them.

Last updated