
Refactor and enhance Add Layer button

This button, previously only used to load child layers, now allows to load most of the usual layers that Giswater needs.

It's divided in 5 diferent groups. Every one of them also have subgroups where related layers are available to be loaded.

If a layer is already on the ToC, it's checked. To load a new one, just check the box and the layer will be loaded automatically, located in it's related group (only if the name group of the ToC is exactly the same as it is in the button).

Update QGIS templates

Taking advantage of the refactor of Add Layer button, QGIS templates have been updated. Now they have less layers, in order to maximize its performance.

The groups of Admin and Edit have been deleted. The same way, other not relevant layers have also been removed.

In any moment that a layer is needed, you can use the Add Layer button to load it automatically.

The remaining available templates are:

  • Inventory: Layers for Network, Catalogs, Mapzones and Basemap.

  • OM: Layers for Mincut (WS) and Flowtrace (UD) (+ Inventory).

  • EPA: Layers for EPA Catalogs, Hydraulics and EPA Results (+ Inventory + OM).

  • Master: Layers for Psectors and Prices (+ Inventory + OM + EPA)

New columns on sys_fprocess table

Two new columns have been added to this table, which acts as a catalog of every process that Giswater execute to check the state of the project or other functionalities that store resulting information. New columns are:

  • isaudit: To configure which of the processes are auditable or not, related to audit function.

  • fprocess_type: To categorize processes in order to allow a better understaing of the results.

New function to manage data from migrations

To migrate network data from other sources it's necessary to disable some of the configuration variables, in order to allow the insertion of the data even if they have some topological issues.

To make easier the migration process, this new function (gw fct admin manage migra), available on the toolbox, will turn off all these configuration variables at once. This way, the user will be ready to migrate data only by running this function.

Upgrade to EPANET 2.2

Upgrade database and driver in order to make compatible with lastest version of EPANET 2.2. Main changes are related to the possibility to use the demand model PDA (presure driven analysis) as well as the owerflow on tanks, among other capabilities.

Upgrade to SWMM 5.1.015

Upgrade database and driver in order to make compatible with lastest version of EPANET 5.1 (5.1.015). Main changes are new options on dynamic wave as well as new features and options for LIDS analysis, among other capabilities.

Refactor how CRM is used on EPANET

Full refactor of CRM architecture linked with EPANET tables. The main change is that, to use CRM values, now it is mandatory to create a demand scenario before. By doing this, user has a better traceability and more control of the whole workflow.

New column parent_id for sector table

A new column parent_id have been added to sector table. It will be useful to relate some sectors to a parent (on the same sector table), in order to copy the same configuration or permissions of the parent sector.

New column expl_id for EPA catalogs

A new column expl_id have been added to some EPA catalogs in order to manage its related exploitation and filter data using selectors. Affected tables are:

  • rpt_cat_result

  • cat_dscenario

  • cat_hydrology (UD)

  • cat_dwf_scenario (UD)

Improve the way of INP file is created

Improve the generation of inp file creating another column (linked with the description on EPA canvas) with valuable additional information to trace and debug. Mapzones or feature_type, among others, are showed in this new column, by using a space separator.

Better manage of Undefined sector (0)

During the configuration of dynamic sectorization, the use of Undefined sector is usual. Some parts of the network became related to this sector because they aren't well configured yet. To a better manage of this sector and its related network:

  • Undefined sector has been added to the selector_sector

  • Undefined sector is forced to DISABLE on running Go2EPA.

Enhance usability of dynamic mapzones algorithm

A new widget on the sectorization dialog has been added. Here the user can assign to every arc and node a value to not let them be disconnected (sector_id = 0).

Refactor Other Prices tab on psector form

Other prices tab has been improved. Now all the information is displayed in the same tab and the way of Add or Remove additional prices is easier. A more user friendly tool than before.

Change the use of pavcat_id column strategy

Until now to manage the pavament related to the arc was mandatory to fill plan_arc_x_pavement table. In this version pavcat_id has been added to arc table. Now it's possible to relate the pavement directly to the arc, without filling any other table.

The other table will reamain available to manage arcs which have more than one pavement. In this situation, plan_arc_x_pavement will be used the same way as before, assigning a percentage of the arc to every related pavement.

Enhance performance for Plan tab on arc form

Get info plan function has been revised and as a result the performance of Plan tab for arcs has increased. Also, the way how different prices are loaded to this tab has been related to the use of pavcat_id on arc table.

It's very complicated to calculate a cost of a connec or a gully the same way Giswater does for arcs. So, columns related to cost in catalogs of connec and gully have been deleted:

  • cost_ut

  • cost_ml

  • cost_m3

New function gw_fct_setchangefeaturetype

This new function complements the use of the Change Feature tool. Now, Giswater control if the new feature type has the same posible values on function, location, category and fluid type fields. If not, these values won't be copied.

Last updated