


Add new field 'plot_code' to connecs

A new field has been added (plot_code) to connecs in order to show the code of the plot where they belong. It can be useful to store the cadastral referency code for those connecs inside buildings or parcels.

Drop not null for dma's (ud and ws)

The NOT NULL constraint for parent tables on column "dma_id" has been removed to ease the management of those elements that don't necessary belong to any DMA.

Set epa_type not null in connecs

The connecs have now a NOT NULL constraint in epa_type column in order to strengthen the hydraulic modelling data.


Enable setting the outlet_id of subcatchments by editing the view v_edit_inp_subc2outlet

Now, it is possible to set the outlet_id of any subcatchment by pointing the arrow of the table view Subcatchment2Outlet (v_edit_inp_subc2outlet) to the outlet to which the subcatchment has to drain the water.

It is necessary to select the layer "Subcatchment2Outlet" (inside the layer group "Hydrology") and use the Toggle Editing tool of QGIS. Then, the vertex of the line that points out to the outlet can be modified by the user and therefore set the vertex to another outlet of choice (junction or subcatchment)

By doing this, the outlet_id of the subcatchment will be updated without needing to type the outlet_id on its attribute table.

Use copy-paste on non-visual objects and dscenario demand dialogs

Now, it is possible to manage objects by copy-paste them.

Refresh EPA world view if networkmode changed

Having the EPA World button activated, the elements shown can change according to the selected network mode in Go2Epa Options dialog. The user can choose whether to show arcs and nodes (BASIC NETWORK) or additionally show connecs (NETWORK & CONNECS).

Add selector period strategy on selector

A new selector has been added to table config_form_tabs in order to filter data by periods of time. It can be found in table config_form_tabs by searching for "selector_basic_" in column "formname". By default, it is not enabled. To do so, it is necessary to rename the parameter "selector_basic_" to "selector_basic" in table config_form_tabs. Then, the tab Period will appear in the Selector.

New checks on EPA data consistency

New checks according to EPA rules have been done. These are the following:

  • Check if outlet_id exists in table view v_edit_inp_junction (in case the outlet is a junction) or in v_edit_inp_subc2outlet (in case the outlet is a subcatchment)

  • Check null values on columns "weir_type", "cd", geom1", "geom2", offsetval" from table inp_weir

  • Check null values on columns "ori_type", "geom1" and "offsetval" from table inp_orifice


Add Import DWF to Import CSV

Now, it is possible to import DWF data through the Import CSV Button.

Refactor of the creation of projects (empty, inventory, full and Import inp)

A huge refactor has been made for the process of creating a new Giswater schema. Now, the SQL files of updates to 3.5 have been refactored into a database backup file which is being restored during the process of creating an schema. This refactor is aimed to enhance velocity and simplify the code.

Add 'Show inactive' checkbox on managers

The checkbox "Show Inactive" has been added to all manager buttons in order to standardize their structure.

Enable the possibility to delete all selected rows in managers

Now, it is possible to select multiple rows from a managers' button and delete them.

Last updated