The definition of view "v_edit_node" has been changed significantly with the aim of gaining performance. Now, it uses subquerys as well as retriving the information from parent table.
Now, it is possible to see the objects from expl_id2 by using the distinct sectors from the selected exploitation.
and model
for brand_id
and model_id
on cat_arc, cat_node and cat_grate UDColumns "brand" and "model" have been renamed to "brand_id" and "model_id" respectively.
, model_id
and serial_number
for node and arc UDNew columns have been added to tables "node" and "arc" with the aim of disconnecting these attributes from the catalogs "cat_brand" and "cat_brand_model" and assigning them to the objects individually. These columns also exist in view "v_edit_node" and work with the trigger. If these values are null, the value for that object is taken from the catalog "cat_node" or "cat_arc". However, the input value is not subjected to a foreign key and it is possible to set a custom value.
on man_element UDThe column "serial_number" has been removed from table "man_element" in UD projects.
The parameter "edit_link_check_arcdnom" from table "config_param_system" has changed its name by "edit_link_link2network". Moreover, a new key has been added to this parameter with the name of "maxDistance". This parameter is aimed to set a maximum distance at which the connec is going to be connected to the closest arc using the button "Link to network". If the distance from the connec to the closest pipe is greater than the configured "maxDistance", the connec is not going to be connected.
Now, it is possible to configure a default position for the labels of a specific feature type. The configuration for this must be done in 2 places: database and QGIS project.
Regarding the database configuration, the key "labelPosition" can be added to column "addparam" from table "cat_feature" to specify the placement of the label for the correspondig object. Here is an example:
The key "labelPosition" has an array of 2 numeric values which indicate the meters in "x" and "y" axis respectively where the label has to be placed regarding the position of the inserted node. If the user has more parameters in column "addparam" from table "cat_feature", the "labelPosition" parameter can be placed next to the existing ones separated by commas.
As for the QGIS Project, the configuration has to be done in the Properties/Labels of layer "Node" (v_edit_node) as it is shown in the picture below:
Finally, when inserting a node whose label position has been configured, the label parameters (coordinates, rotation, etc.) will be calculated and the label will eventually be placed:
At this point, several things can be done regarding the label position. The label rotation can be modified either manually in the Info Form or by changing the position of the connected pipes. Moreover, the label quadrant can be changed via Info Form and the label will be placed in the selected quadrant using the distances configured in the parameter "labelPosition" that has been mentioned before. The available values for label quadrant are the following:
TR (top right)
TL (top left)
BR (bottom right)
BL (bottom left)
In the Attribute Table of view "v_edit_raingage", only active timeseries are available to be selected as the rainfall type for a raingage (column "rg_id").