When creating a Giswater sample, the QGIS template file now uses the view "v_edit_municipality" instead of the table "ext_municipality" to show the limits of the municipality according to the user's selector.
A warning message is shown when trying to use non-numeric values in curves. This is used to control input values in a more user-friendly way.
A fix has been done in Non visual objects manager in order to show the rows of the corresponding table.
Now, a warning message is shown if Python packages SciPy and NumPy are not available, as these take part in the core functionality of Giswater.
The definition of view "v_edit_node" has been changed significantly with the aim of gaining performance. Now, it uses subquerys as well as retriving the information from parent table.
Now, it is possible to see the objects from expl_id2 by using the distinct sectors from the selected exploitation.
and model
for brand_id
and model_id
on cat_arc, cat_node and cat_grate UDColumns "brand" and "model" have been renamed to "brand_id" and "model_id" respectively.
, model_id
and serial_number
for node and arc UDNew columns have been added to tables "node" and "arc" with the aim of disconnecting these attributes from the catalogs "cat_brand" and "cat_brand_model" and assigning them to the objects individually. These columns also exist in view "v_edit_node" and work with the trigger. If these values are null, the value for that object is taken from the catalog "cat_node" or "cat_arc". However, the input value is not subjected to a foreign key and it is possible to set a custom value.
on man_element UDThe column "serial_number" has been removed from table "man_element" in UD projects.
The parameter "edit_link_check_arcdnom" from table "config_param_system" has changed its name by "edit_link_link2network". Moreover, a new key has been added to this parameter with the name of "maxDistance". This parameter is aimed to set a maximum distance at which the connec is going to be connected to the closest arc using the button "Link to network". If the distance from the connec to the closest pipe is greater than the configured "maxDistance", the connec is not going to be connected.
Now, it is possible to configure a default position for the labels of a specific feature type. The configuration for this must be done in 2 places: database and QGIS project.
Regarding the database configuration, the key "labelPosition" can be added to column "addparam" from table "cat_feature" to specify the placement of the label for the correspondig object. Here is an example:
The key "labelPosition" has an array of 2 numeric values which indicate the meters in "x" and "y" axis respectively where the label has to be placed regarding the position of the inserted node. If the user has more parameters in column "addparam" from table "cat_feature", the "labelPosition" parameter can be placed next to the existing ones separated by commas.
As for the QGIS Project, the configuration has to be done in the Properties/Labels of layer "Node" (v_edit_node) as it is shown in the picture below:
Finally, when inserting a node whose label position has been configured, the label parameters (coordinates, rotation, etc.) will be calculated and the label will eventually be placed:
At this point, several things can be done regarding the label position. The label rotation can be modified either manually in the Info Form or by changing the position of the connected pipes. Moreover, the label quadrant can be changed via Info Form and the label will be placed in the selected quadrant using the distances configured in the parameter "labelPosition" that has been mentioned before. The available values for label quadrant are the following:
TR (top right)
TL (top left)
BR (bottom right)
BL (bottom left)
In the Attribute Table of view "v_edit_raingage", only active timeseries are available to be selected as the rainfall type for a raingage (column "rg_id").
A new action for rotating nodes has been added to the form of nodes from UD projects. Once clicked, the node of choice has to be selected in order to rotate its direction.
A new option has been added to Minsector Analysis which enables the user to ignore the valves that are broken and open.
Now, it is possible to export the hydrometers affected by the mincut by clicking on the upper button of Export Hydro Csv of the dialog.
The name of the network mode (inside Go2EPA Options) has changed from "CONNEC (ALL NODARCS) and NODE (BASIC NODARCS)" to "NETWORK & CONNECS and BASIC NETWORK".
Now, it is possible to see an info form of a feature belonging to a dscenario by clicking twice on its record.
Now, it is possible to add geometry to those psectors that do not have any relation but one or various features in tab "Other Prices". This is useful when planning several operations on existing features which do not have geometry itself (i.e. several structural enhancements on existing features). This enhancement helps the composer to show the extent of the psector and show its geometry.
Inside a psector without any relation, when a feature is added to Other Prices and selected by checking its checkbox, the button Set geometry gets enabled.
Then, the user must click on the map where the geometry is going to be generated for that psector and eventually a new polygon is created for that psector.
A new style has been defined for Netscenario Layers when they are loaded by using the Load Giswater Layers.
A huge enhancement has been done in the process of creating a new schema. The way the schema is created has been refactored and therefore enhanced its performance.
The zoom and highlight of the columns and rows has been fixed in workcat manager
A bug fix has been made when cliking twice on the hydrometers that are found inside tab "Hydrometer" of Connec forms.
When using functions of the toolbox, the button "Run" to start the function has been disabled unless input layers are set.
A bug fix has been made in button "Shape to PNG" inside of button "Non-Visual Objects".
Bug fix has been made in toolbox function "Set junctions as outlet".
Bug fix has been made when setting a specific sequence for feature codes.
A new field has been added (plot_code) to connecs in order to show the code of the plot where they belong. It can be useful to store the cadastral referency code for those connecs inside buildings or parcels.
The NOT NULL constraint for parent tables on column "dma_id" has been removed to ease the management of those elements that don't necessary belong to any DMA.
The connecs have now a NOT NULL constraint in epa_type column in order to strengthen the hydraulic modelling data.
Now, it is possible to set the outlet_id of any subcatchment by pointing the arrow of the table view Subcatchment2Outlet (v_edit_inp_subc2outlet) to the outlet to which the subcatchment has to drain the water.
It is necessary to select the layer "Subcatchment2Outlet" (inside the layer group "Hydrology") and use the Toggle Editing tool of QGIS. Then, the vertex of the line that points out to the outlet can be modified by the user and therefore set the vertex to another outlet of choice (junction or subcatchment)
By doing this, the outlet_id of the subcatchment will be updated without needing to type the outlet_id on its attribute table.
Now, it is possible to manage objects by copy-paste them.
Having the EPA World button activated, the elements shown can change according to the selected network mode in Go2Epa Options dialog. The user can choose whether to show arcs and nodes (BASIC NETWORK) or additionally show connecs (NETWORK & CONNECS).
A new selector has been added to table config_form_tabs in order to filter data by periods of time. It can be found in table config_form_tabs by searching for "selector_basic_" in column "formname". By default, it is not enabled. To do so, it is necessary to rename the parameter "selector_basic_" to "selector_basic" in table config_form_tabs. Then, the tab Period will appear in the Selector.
New checks according to EPA rules have been done. These are the following:
Check if outlet_id exists in table view v_edit_inp_junction (in case the outlet is a junction) or in v_edit_inp_subc2outlet (in case the outlet is a subcatchment)
Check null values on columns "weir_type", "cd", geom1", "geom2", offsetval" from table inp_weir
Check null values on columns "ori_type", "geom1" and "offsetval" from table inp_orifice
Now, it is possible to import DWF data through the Import CSV Button.
A huge refactor has been made for the process of creating a new Giswater schema. Now, the SQL files of updates to 3.5 have been refactored into a database backup file which is being restored during the process of creating an schema. This refactor is aimed to enhance velocity and simplify the code.
The checkbox "Show Inactive" has been added to all manager buttons in order to standardize their structure.
Now, it is possible to select multiple rows from a managers' button and delete them.
A huge refactor has been done in order to manage additional fields (addfields), which results in a better database organization and efficiency. In terms of the appearance, an enhancement has been done in the dialogs in order to ease the addition of fields to all features, specific features or each singular element from table cat_feature. Moreover, the value domain of the selectors and text boxes from the dialog have been changed in order to standardize and fix the relation between the dialog and table "config_form_fields".
In terms of functionality, the table "man_addfields_value" has been removed with the purpose of simpliflying the management of values of the additional fields that are created. Thus, for each feature involved in the creation of an additional field, a new separate table is created in order to store the values of its additional fields.
As an example, an additional field created for hydrants will lead to the creation of a new table consisting of the feature_id and as many columns as there are additional fields for the hydrant. On the other hand, when additional fields for multiple features are created, a new column for each additional table is created. Finally, the additional fields are added to child views by joining these additional tables to the editable views.
An arrow has been added to links' symbology of the QGIS template project in order to show their direction. This arrow can only be seen at high zooms.
An enhancement in CAD tools has been implemented by showing a preview of the geometry as values are entered in the text boxes. This results in a more interactive tool and easy to use.
Moreover, the geometry type of circles has been changed to multicurve as an enhancement in order to simplify the geometry.
A warning appears when a layer that has been previously loaded through Add Giswater Layers button is going to be removed from QGIS Canvas.
An enhancement has been done in connecs' symbology in order to rotate its label using the angle between the pipe and its link. This is controlled through a variable in table "config_param_system" called "edit_link_update_connecrotation" and it takes boolean values (true or false to enable or disable this property).
Once the variable is set to True, the symbology of connecs must be configurated by using the parameters' configuration written in column "descript" of table "config_param_system" for the parameter "edit_link_update_connecrotation".
A new field has been added to table "man_meter" under the name of "meter_code" in order to type the serial number or identification code for that meter.
A new option has been added to the dialog of Mapzones Analysis in order to execute the mapzones analysis for the selected exploitation in the Giswater Selector.
The dialogs for Additional Pumps, Rules and Controls have been enabled. Now, it is possible to add additional pumps, controls or rules to the selected dscenario.
Now, when a hydraulic model is set as a corporate, the mean pressure of all nodes and/or connecs (depending on the selected simulation options) is calculated for all the mapzones involved in that model. This value is stored in column "avg_press" for each mapzone table in WS projects.
An enhancement has been done in order to manage the PG Service credentials by adding a new environment variable.
New widgets Fluid, Location, Category and Function have been added to config_form_fields in order to configure the button "Change feature type". The values of fluid, location, category and function type of the current feature are shown as the first option of the combo widgets. Now, it is possible to change them by selecting the available options on the combo widgets.
A new widget has been added into Mapzone config in order to add nodes into "ignore" key of the json configuration for mapzones.
A new variable has been added to the QGIS Project properties in order to show the current style of the project. The number references the identification number of the style loaded from table "sys_style".
You can also find listed change logs on Github for every version since 3.4.026: Github Changelog
A new way to manage layer styles has been added to Giswater core. There are two new tools:
Giswater styles
This new tool is located above the ToC and allow users to change the symbology for all configurated layers with only one click. It replaces the EPA World tool that change the default visualization for an hydraulic point of view.
Now, not only you can change to an EPA visualization, but also customize your own style configurations that could be interesting for you. By default, Giswater sample has added example styles to categorize the arcs by DMA, Presszone or Sector.
By clicking any style on the list, all layers that have been previously configured will change its style. It won’t delete previous style. It will add the selected to a new one for the layer.
This behaviour allow users to switch styles easily for multiple layers, changing the whole visualitzation context if needed.
Style manager
This new tools is located in the Utils manager button. It opens a form where you can manage existing styles and add new ones.
The table shows every existing style configured for layers. Here it is important to filter by symbology Category to reduce the number of layers. There are some buttons with different uses:
Button +: Allow add a new symbology category. You need to choose a Category ID (for custom categories id above 900 is recomended), Category name, Description and Role. The new category will appear with no layers related.
Button -: To delete the selected style category.
Add style: Allow add any selectable layer to the selected category. At the beginning, the style will be the same as the GwBasic. The goal is to relate the layer with the style category.
Update style: Allow change style for selected row (be certain at the style configuration to which is related). The update will take the current symbology of the layer on our project and set it as the style for this layer when using Giswater styles button. Its the only way to set a style different from GwBasic for new style configurations.
Delete style: To delete the selected row.
Refresh all: It will refresh symbology for all layers that have any Giswater configuration symbology on its styles. It is useful to refresh our project if someone else has changed the style configuration but our layers have this style already loaded.
Now, when a sector, exploitation or municipality is selected in a selector, its related sector, exploitation or municipality is also selected. This works dinamically with the aim of showing all the different mapzones in a selected mapzone.
A new button has been added inside the Add Document button in order to add geometry to the document. If not, the geometry can be taken from the document's metadata.
A column "name" has been added to Documents in order to better identify them by using a customizable name for them.
New tabs "Workcat·, "Psector" and "Visit have been added to the Add Document button. The aim of these tabls i to relate the document to a workcat (previously defined in table "cat_workcat"), an existing psector or a visit.
A new button has been created in order to manage the catalog of works. When clicking on a workcat, its information is showed in detail.
In previous versions, when performing a new arc fusion, a duplicated vertex was created on the point where the affected node was. It happened because the start and end points of the old arcs were merged.
Now, after performing this process, the function ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints is executed for the new arc to avoid the creation of this vertex duplicity.
New fields have been added to UD node, connec, gully tables. These are: placement_type and access_type which aim is to show if the feature is inside another element (i.e a well inside a shed) and how it is accessible.
A new field has been introduced under the name of "label_quadrant" which aim is to store the position of the label by typing its quadrant. The letters available are the following: T for "top middle", B for "bottom middle", L for "left middle" and R for "right middle".
New fields have been added to parent tables of WS: brand, model and serial_number which aim is to show on the parent tables this information and relate this information to the feature itself.
A new field has been added to table "arc" from UD: visitability, which aim is to show the capability of the "arc" to be visitable or accessible (for example, when carrying out maintainance tasks or cleaning of the network).
A new field has been added to connecs from UD: n_hydrometer. This column shows the number of hydrometers associated to a specific connec.
The new columns for the mapzones are the following:
For UD projects, new column "muni_id" have been added to table "raingage".
For UTILS schema, columns "muni_id" and "sector_id" have been added to tables "samplepoint", "element", "link" and "dimensions".
For WS projects, column "muni_id" have been added to tables "pond" and "pool". Additionally, column "sector" has been added to tables "presszone", "dma" and "dqa".
A new mapzone has been created under the name of "macrominsector". This is a group of minsectors which aim is to represent topologically connected network features. This mapzone represents the continuity of the network and it is useful to determine connected and unconnected areas of the network.
Minsectors and macrominsectors have also been added to UD projects like it happens in WS projects. The concept of minsectors and macrominsectors in UD is the same as in WS. Two new tables have been added (tables "minsector" and "macrominsector") and columns for both mapzones have been added to parent tables (minsector_id, macrominsector_id).
New columns "dma_type" and "dqa_type" have been added to mapzone tables of WS projects. The domain of values for these columns can be configured in table "edit_typevalue" where typevalue is "dma_type" or "dqa_type" respectively.
New columns "drainzone_type", "dma_type" and "sector_type" have been added to mapzone tables of UD projects. The domain values for these columns can be configured in table "edit_typevalue" the way is explained in the previous point.
A new column "graphconfig" has been added to tables "dma" and "sector" with the purpose of configuring a mapzones analysis like WS.
A new column "graph_delimiter" has been added to table "cat_feature_node" for UD projects with the same purpose of the same column in WS.
The buttons inside the Mincut button have been ordered in a better way to improve the usage of the Mincut tool. Now, the buttons have been grouped into 3 groups and each group of buttons gets enabled sequently according to the steps of creating a mincut.
A new button has been developed inside Go2Epa in order to show the results of the selected "result_id". These are loaded into the QGIS project on temporal layers.
A new behaviour has been added to inlets that consist of acting as junctions when they are located at the end of a sector which doesn't have continuity with the next sector. Thus, 3 new columns "demand", "demand_pattern_id" and "emitter_coeff" have been added to table "inp_inlet".
The button "Set archive" inside Go2Epa Manager has been renamed to "Toggle Archive".
When an EPA result becomes "corporate" in WS projects, the info of that EPA results show the timestamp from which it has been corporate.
A new function has been developed in order to calculate the cost of removing the pipes of a specific material. It is necessary to select the exploitation, the material of choice and write the price code to be used to calculate the price of removal. This code has to exist in table "plan_price". When the process is finished, a temporal layer is loaded showing the pipes involved and its removal cost.
from varchar(30) to textThe data type of columns "code" have been replaced from varchar(30) to text in order to allow big number of characters.
Now, it is possible to order the tabs of the info form by editing column "orderby" from table "config_form_tabs".
A new field has been added to tables polygon and element which enables the user to attach or detach their geometry from a node/connec/gully/element. This fact enables or disables the movement of the polygon or element with the movement of the node and connec.
Before saving changes when inserting or updating the street name of a feature, the existance of the street name will be checked by looking it into the table ext_streetaxis. This fact will keep the uniqueness of the street names into the data base.
The mapzones’ manager and prices’ manager can now be found grouped together into a single button called “Utils manager”.
The Mapzones Manager has also been enhanced with a Config Button that eases the configuration of mapzones in a more friendly way. This tool is controlled by a new function (gw_fct_config_mapzones - 3270 ) and it consists of a wizard that builds the json string needed for configurating the graphconfig of the selected mapzone. The wizard asks the user some data to be filled in the blank spaces, which can be filled using the QGIS Selector tool and then added to the json string by clicking on the ADD Button. There is also a 'REMOVE' Button to rollback in the process. Eventually, when the json string is built, the graphconfig for the selected mapzone will be properly configured.
Now it is possible to load the Visit Catalog (table 'om_visit_cat') and the Parameter Catalog (table 'config_visit_parameter') using the Load Giswater Layer button. Both tables will be added to the layer group OM on its upper part.
A new button to archive the EPA results has been added to the EPA Result Manager button. Once a record of the table is selected, the Archive button will store the results in specific tables of the data base and the result status will switch to 'ARCHIVED'. The purpose of this button is to enhance the performance of the table 'rpt_arc' due to its overload when many models where executed. The tables that store the archived results are the ones with the prefix "archived_" in the data base.
This function carries out the process of archiving the EPA Results once the user selects a result in the EPA Result Manager Button and clicks on the Archive button that was mentioned in the previous point.
This function enables the option of keeping the ending values of a simulation and use them as initial values for a new simulation.
Timeseries, patterns and curves are not going to be exported unless they are used. This enhancement of performance happens when exporting the INP File.
A new button has been added into 'plan' toolbar under the name of "Net Scenario".
This button enables the user to work with planned mapzones (DMA and PRESSZONES) the same way as working with psectors or dscenarios. Mapzones from Netscenarios can be executed resulting in temporal graph layers and eventually work with them like in a test environment before commiting changes. Every Netscenario can take one or several mapzones. Netscenarios can be created either without containing any mapzone or containing a copy of the existing ones by using the Create Button in the main dialog.
Once created, the Netscenario will appear in the main dialog of the button. In case it contains mapzones, they can be loaded into the project by clicking on the Load Giswater Layers icon from the button. There is also a Selector button next to it in order to filter Netscenarios by its name.
Inside each Netscenario, there are many properties that can be customizable like happens in Mapzones Manager Button. These are, for example, configuring a DMA graphconfig with a wizard, creating new netscenarios, adding features to the Netscenario or deleting them. It is possible to add features by typing their feature id in the upper left box of the selected Netscenario or selecting the features with the QGIS Selector Tool.
As for the tab 'DMA', it works the same as in the Mapzones Manager. It is possible to add DMAs by selecting them with the QGIS Selector Tool or by copying an existing DMA. Also, the graphconfig value can be configurable using the Config button the way it happens in Mapzones Manager Button.
Several tables have been included into the data model to store data related to Netscenario. These are the following:
plan_netscenario: as the main table of the button
plan_netscenario_arc/node/connec/dma/presszone: each tab appearing inside every Netscenario has its associated table. There is one tab for each feature and also a tab of the mapzone which will be updated
v_edit_plan_netscenario_dma/presszone: these are the views for Netscenarios for Mapzones
v_plan_netscenario_node/arc/connec: these are the views for the features for each Netscenario
selector_netscenario: the Netscenario button has its own selector with which the user can filter by Netscenarios.
This function controls the process of creating mapzones on Netscenarios in tab 'Dma'. It can be executed by clicking in the Create Button in the main layout of the Netscenario Button.
This function is used for inserting features and its patterns into demand scenarios based on values assigned to each netscenario mapzone. This can be done inside the Dscenario Manager Button.
These functions carry out the process of creating new Netscenarios. Netscenarios can be created from zero (gw_fct_create_netscenario_empty), from an existing Netscenario (gw_fct_duplicate_netscenario) or from a layer of the QGIS ToC (gw_fct_create_netscenario_from_toc).
This field is used for indicating the hydrometers that take part in water balance calculations. It is a boolean column where its True or False values indicate whether the hydrometers values are being used for water balance calculations or not.
Now, the toolbox dialogs show the function name enabling the user to identify the function.
A minor fix has been done in table view v_edit_dma in order to ease the edition of column "graphconfig".
Now, links over nodarcs will be checked as part of the first check data only when export mode "NETWORK & CONNECS" is selected in Go2EPA Options.
A new parameter has been added to table config_param_system under the name of basic_search_hydrometer_show_connec. This variable is involved with tab Hydrometer inside the Search plus Button and it displays the hydrometer info through a Basic Info form or a Giswater Info form according to the parameter's value. When its value is FALSE, the hydrometer info will show up on a Basic Info form. Otherwise, if the parameter is set to TRUE, the hydrometer info will appear on a Giswater Info form by showing up the tab Hydrometer of its related connec.
A new option is available in the main dialog of the plugin when creating a new DB Project Schema. Now, it is possible to create an example data containing only those features related to inventory. Comparing to the Full Example, the Inventory Example does not provide hydraulic modelling data.
Hydrology and Dry Water Flow (DWF) Scenarios can now be manage by using the Dscenario Manager button.
Each of them has its own dialog and several buttons to manage its properties. It is possible to create empty scenarios or scenarios with values, as well as Duplicate them, Delete them or Update its properties. There is also a Toolbox button which opens the Toolbox Function of Manage Hydrology Values or Manage DWF Values in each case.
The Roughness Catalog has been added as a new tab into the Non-Visual Objects Manager. Now, it is possible to manage the roughness of any material through the different buttons shown in the Non-Visual Objects Manager. This is a more integrated way of managing the roughness as a non-visual object.
A performance enhancement has been made on the whole process of creating and displaying the EPA Results. The enhancement consists of creating 2 new tables (rpt_arc_stats and rpt_node_stats) and show the information through the table views v_arc and v_node. The table view definitions have been modified in order to avoid extracting data via complex queries. Now, these table views show the data from the new mentioned tables, avoiding complex queries.
A new button has been added to the Netscenario Manager. Once a netscenario is selected, the button can be used in order to execute a Mapzone Netscenario analysis.
A new function has been developed in order to merge multiple psectors into a single one. This can be found as a new button in Psector Manager or as a new function in the Giswater Toolbox.
Having selected 2 or more psectors, the Merge button from above can be used to merge them. This button opens the function dialog where the parameters are already set if the operation has been done from the Psector Manager. It is mandatory that the selected psectors have the same status, priority, psector_type and expl_id so they can be merged.
Once the process starts, a new psector will be created as a result of merging the selected psectors. Also, several log messages will appear in the Info Log tab indicating all the actions that have taken place during the merging process.
This function fixes topological issues in psectors. It fixes the following issues:
Fills the "link_id" for obsolete connecs (those with state=0) where "link_id" is null
Finds and repairs operative and planned arcs without operative nodes in the psector
Finds and repairs planned arcs without planned nodes in the psector
This function warns the user about topological errors that have been generated while using the Psector Manager. Once any of the mentioned issues occure, a warning message appears and gives the option to overview the topological issues.
When the dialog appears, the topological issues appear marked in red. By clicking on the Repair button, the function setrepairpsector runs and fixes the topological inconsistencies shown in the dialog.
Now it is possible to import an EPANET result file not only when the simulation has been run through command line but also when it has been run using the EPANET User Interface.
A new macroexploitation has been created acting as a default macroexploitation. This takes place in order to ease the initial management of mapzones and eventually reduce complexity at early stages of a Giswater projects.
New fields have been added to table ‘link’ in order to make it similar to the other 3 feature parent tables (arc, connec, node). These are:
connecat_id: it is the catalog code for connecs. It can be built by concatenating the material and diameter
drainzone_id: it is the id of the drainzone it belongs (only for UD Projects)
workcat_id and workcat_id_end: it is the work file of the begining and endwhere the link belongs
startdate, enddate: it is the start and and date
A new button for deletion of curves or similar elements has been added to the Non-Visual Objects Manager.
A new field for sector_id has been added to table inp_transects in UD schemas.
A new editable view of the table ‘inp_transects’ has been created, including its corresponding trigger that makes it an editable view.
The aim of this enhancement is to identify those features that will be downgraded to 'obsolete' after executing the psector. They will be highlighted in blue once the record is selected.
To access this functionality, it is necessary to load the layer 'netscenario valve' into the Layer Manager of QGIS. The Netscenario Valve layer can be loaded to QGIS by clicking in the Load Giswater Layers Buton inside the main dialog of Netscenarios and selecting 'Netscenario valve'.
Once it shows up, it is possible to open and close valves of a Netscenario by right-clicking on a valve with the Info Button of Giswater. This is only possible for those valves that belong to the Netscenario setted as Current Netscenario.
A new button in tab ‘Dma’ of a selected Netscenario has been added with the purpose of activating or deactivating the DMAs of a selected Netscenario.
New fields have been added to tables plan netscenario_dma and plan_netscenario_presszones in order to enhance its management. The fields are the following: active, lastupdate and lastupdate_user.
A new table has been created by the name of 'plan_netscenario_valve' with the purpose of managing valves in Netscenarios. There is also its editable view called 'v_edit_plan_netscenario_valve' through that changes are applied into the mentioned table.
There is a new option inside Import CSV button that allows the user to import closed valves into a netscenario from a CSV file. An example of the structure that must have that CSV can be found in folder '\resources\example\csv\netscenario_closed_valve' in the plugin folder. In order to enable this function into de Import CSV Button, it is necessary to set the 'active' column to 'True' in table 'config_csv' where the alias is called 'Import netscenario closed valves'.
A bug fix has been done when using the snapping mode in QGIS. Now, it does not deactivate randomly by its own when working with Giswater, which results in a better performance and integrity of Giswater into the QGIS environment.
The date of creation of the schema has been added to the main button of Giswater. This may give a temporal reference about the age of the schema, which contributes to give further descriptive information about it.
A new tab has been added in order to see the exploitations that each municipality has. To enable this tab, the column "enabled" in table "config_param_system" has to be set to "True" for the parameter "basic_selector_tab_municipality".
A new functionality has been developed in order to set a customized code for feature types. First, it is necessary to create a sequence on the database which name is the concatenation of the "id" of table "cat_feature" and the words "code_seq" (i.e "circ_manhole_code_seq). Then, this sequence is going to be used when inserting new objects of that type of feature.
Additionally, a prefix can be used in combination of the sequence to build the code for the object. To do so, a JSON string has be to added in column "addparam" of table "cat_feature". This JSON has to contain the key "code_prefix" and the prefix itself as the value of that key.
If true, this variable enables the possibility to capture by intersection the plot code for the connec inserted. It can be found in table "config_param_system" where parameter name is "edit_connec_autofill_plotcode". It is necessary to fill the table "ext_plot" with the geometries of the plots and its cadastral reference or plot code in order to see how it works.
A new field has been added into tables "ext_municipality", "ext_region" and "ext_province" under the name of "ext_code". The aim of this field is to enable the possibility to use an external code to identify the municipality, region and province. This code can be either an oficial standard code or a customized code.
A new table called "ext_province_x_region" has been added with foreign keys to table "ext_muncipality". This table stores the relationship between province and regions.
Now, it it possible to choose the feature type in the info form of a dimension object.
Table "config_graph_inlet" has been renamed to "config_graph_mincut".
Column "expl_id" has been removed from table "config_graph_mincut".
Mincut is disabled unless an operative inlet is located in the working canvas.
The configuration for valves now it is done by column "graphdelimiter" of table "cat_feature".
The symbol "%" now appears in the profile picture in order to show the units of slope.
Columns "to_arc" and "status" can now be found in table "config_graph_checkvalve" as part of the inventory values.
The aim of this variables is to trace the original code to a node that has been involved in a feature when a node replace is done in planification mode using the spceific tool Psector Relations tab. This variable can be found in table "config_param_system" under the name of "plan_node_replace_code".
A new column "presszone_type" has been added to table "plan_netscenario_presszone". The available values for this columns are present in catalog "edit_typevalue" where column "typevalue" is "presszone_type".
New columns "stylesheet" and "expl_id2" have been added to tables "plan_netscenario_presszone" and "plan_netscenario_dma".
Now, the table "cat_manager" works with database system roles and users instead of working with the content of table "cat_users".
Views vi_parent_arc and v_anl_flow views have been deleted in order to clean unnecessary views.
Massive interpolation is a new function very similar to the conventional Interpolation Function that already exists and it updates the elevation of all nodes by means of interpolation.
This function has to be executed through SQL Query on a data base manager outside from QGIS and it only works for Giswater UD Projects. A sample query can be found in the upper part of the file where the function is stored. It is optional to carefully modify the last statement from the sample function, which corresponds to the "queryFilter" parameter. The "queryFilter" parameter can contain a SQL statement in order to execute the function for a specific group of nodes that share any characteristic (for example, those nodes whose elevation is a null value). The value for the "queryFilter" parameter (which is the SQL statement) can be left null by keeping its double quotes and therefore the function will work for all nodes without any exception.
This enhancement not only consists of a more detailed log message when exporting the inp file but also consists of a better performance of the whole process. This means that the process is faster and does not block the tables of the database that are involved in it.
A button of Properties has been added to each individual dscenario in order to manage its general options in a more efficient way. The user can modify the general dscenario properties and eventually they will be updated immediately. On the other hand, the specific features involved in each dscenario can be modified the same way as before.
Some fixes have been done in the upper tool bar of the tab EPA that have been recently introduced in version 3.6.
Table config_visit_class_x_feature have been deleted as this table is deprecated.
Performance on opening the Info Form has been enhanced and now it opens faster.
This prevents the plugin from crashing when using the Info Button for a polygon of a feature. Now, it is save to do this procedure without any problem.
Many features shown by the info button were customizable so far, but not all of them. Now, the data shown by the Info Button can be fully configurable via database. The user can add, remove, hide or show the features that the Info Button shows, as well as modifying the upper actions toolbar. The tables from the database that enable this customization are the following:
config_form_fields: this table enables the user to show specifically which fields of a specific table are shown in each tab. Many features of this table were already available on previous versions of Giswater.
config_form_list: this table enables the user to display specific data of a table by writing a SQL query. On column listname, the user must specify the name of the table from which data is going to be extracted. It is mandatory to use an existing table on the database. In column query_text, the user may write the SQL statement needed to extract the data of choice from the table specified in column listname. Additionally, there is a column called listtype which only accepts 2 types of names: "tab" or "attributeTable" according to the way the table is displayed.
config_form_tableview: this table enables the user to set properties to specific tables. These can be their visibility, width, alias and style of its fields. There are 2 primary keys on columns objectname (name of the table) and columname (name of the column), whose values are mandatory before any insert of a record on that table. As for the style, it is not possible to add any different style but the following json string: {"stretch":true}
config_form_tabs: this table enables the configuration for each tab into the Info layout, as well as its upper toolbar. The user can configure which table's information wants to see by editing column formname and which tab is going to show that information by editing column tabname. Additionally, there is a column called tabactions which uses a json string to enable or disable the button actions on the upper toolbar of the Info layout. There is also a column called sys_role to specify which roles are available to see each tab and button from the upper toolbar. To make it more customizable, there are 2 columns (label and tooltip) to set the visible name of the tab and its tooltip when the user interacts with it.
A new check is done when inserting links. This check occurs when the user tries to insert a link and it consists of checking if the new inserted link is connected to an arc with smaller diameter than the connected link. The user can configure whether or not to check this issue via table config_param_system with the parameter edit_link_check_arcdnom. The values for this parameter are stored in a json string, which contains 2 variables: status (true or false if activated or not respectively) and diameter of the link with which the arc diameter is going to be compared. Once activated, the issue will be checked every time the user inserts a new link.
A new check is done along the Check Project process. While the previous process checked if the inserted link had a smaller diameter than the arc to which was connected, this process checks if a link with a diameter of choice is bigger than the arc diameter to which is connected. This issue is checked every time the check process is executed and the results figure out in the output of the Check Project as WARNING-488.
A new check is done along the Check Project process. This consists of checking if connecs (and also gullies for UD) have more than 1 associated link on service. This issue figures out in the output of the Check Project as WARNING-480. This is not configurable via database unlike the previous cases.
2 new tables have been created: ext_province and ext_region. The second one, has a field named province_id which acts as foreign key of table ext_province. Additionally, the fields province_id and region_id have been added to the table ext_municipality and inventory tables (v_edit_tables) where both fields are foreign keys from their respective tables.
Regarding to the inventory tables, these 2 new fields figure out as the name of the province and the region, unlike the table ext_municipality where these 2 fields are the id of the region and province respectively.
The new fields have been added to the next tables:
For tables node, arc, connec, gully, new fields have been added under the name of adate and adescript. These fields can be filled with additional date and additional description respectively.
Also for table gully, 2 new fields have been added: siphon_type and odorflap. The field siphon_type can be filled with the type of siphon and the field odourflap can filled with TRUE of FALSE if there is a preventive method for odour presence for a specific gully.
For tables man_manhole, man_conduit and man_chamber, the new field is called bottom_mat. The field is optional to fill and it can be used for giving information about the bottom material of the element.
Also for table man_chamber, a new field has been added: slope. It gives information about the slope in percentage. It is calculated with the difference between the entry level and the exit level and divided by the length.
For table cat_arc, the new field is called visitability which shows if the element can be accessible for a person to inspect it in situ.
This functionality works automatically when inserting nodes or connecs. Therefore, it requires the table ext_address to be filled with data. This feature can be configured via basic config of Giswater or via config_param_system with the parameter edit_auto_streetvalues. Its configuration is stored in a json string with 3 variables inside: status (true or false if the functionality is activated or not respectively), field ("postnumber" or "postcomplement" if the gate number is stored in one field or the other from the v_edit_tables) and buffer (the distance buffer where the function looks for the closest gate number for that node or connec).
As for the field where the gate number is stored, the user may consider using the postnumber when the gate number is strictly an integer. However, the field postcomplement allows the user to store the gate number as a text string, which is useful in those cases when the gate number contains letters or symbols.
2 new fields have been added to v_edit_tables. These are lastupdate and lastupdate_user and they give information about the last time stamp where the table has been updated and the user who updated the table respectively. The lastupdate_user is the user that has logged in the database connection when the credentials to connect to it have been asked to the user.
The field staticpressure from table v_edit_connec is being updated like it happens in table v_edit_node. It is mandatory to create presszones in order to compare the heading pressure with each node's pressure.
This function shows the mincuts that are being executed in the selected exploitation. It can be found in Giswater Toolbox by the name of Show current mincuts.
Several improvements related to EPA have been done in this release. These are going to be explained in detail throughout this section and these are listed below:
Some inp tables (most of them, tables related to quality) have been merged into features from other inp tables.
New button to switch to EPA point of view in order to see the network as it would be exported to EPA.
New tab EPA in Info Layout with a dscenario manager for EPA objects and also a set of actions to manage flow regulators and demands for EPA objects.
A new button has been added for both WS and UD under the name of EPA World, which is located next to the 'Load Giswater Layer' button in the QGIS Layers Panel.
By clicking on it, a warning message is shown and the visible network elements are filtered in order to show the network as it would be exported to EPA Software. Therefore, the elements with an epa_type of 'UNDEFINED' are not shown because they are not going to be exported, as well as Giswater own elements like Connecs or Links.
This may help the user to visually check the network in an easy-quick way before exporting it to EPA Software.
A new tab called EPA has been added to the elements form. The tab EPA shows most of the properties that EPA Software would show for each element. The data shown in this tab is stored in the table view for each EPA element, whose prefix is ve_epa_ (i. e. ve_epa_pump, ve_epa_shortpipe, ...). Having this, there is no need to load on QGIS canvas any layer from EPA World to see its features. Additionally, there are 2 sections inside tab EPA: Data and Dscenario
In section 'Data', the user can see all the element's feature regarding to EPA. The user can customize the different features appearing in this section in table config_form_fields filtering by columns formname (name of the table view) and tabname (tab_epa). To add a new feature to be shown in tab EPA, the user must add a new row into table config_form_fields and specify the data in columns formname (name of the element table view), form_type (form_feature), tabname (tab_epa), columnname (name of the column of the specified table view the user wants to be shown) and label (a descriptive text placed next to the values shown in the form element). In addition, user can hide the features of tab EPA also in table config_form_fields by setting to TRUE the column hidden.
Additionally, tab EPA has another section called 'Dscenarios'. This is a demand scenario manager where the user can manage several scenarios for that element without needing to use the Dscenario Manager Button. This enhancement makes it easier for the user to manage scenarios for a specific element.
A new epa type object has been defined in table sys_feature_epa_type from WS. This is called VIRTUALPUMP and it acts as an arc. When inserting any arc, the user can specify its epa_type as virtualpump.
Regarding to the Import CSV button, the options 'Import Inp Pump' and 'Import Inp Valves' have been removed from the data-selection widget.
A new function has been developed for UD which sets the optimum outlet node for each subcatchment. The function parameters can be set in table config_param_user where the parameter is called inp_options_hydrology_scenario. In column 'value', the id of the hydrology scenario has to be specified, which must be previously defined into table v_edit_cat_hydrology. Therefore, the function will be executed for one hydrology scenario each time.
The function works for nodes whose epa_type is junction and it updates the field outlet_id from table inp_subcatchment with the node_id acting as an outlet. The function takes into account the minimum elevation of the subcatchment and the elevation of the nodes. Therefore, the column minelev from table inp_subcatchment and field elev from table view v_edit_node must be filled with data to be able to run the function.
Table views related to subcatchments have been modified by reordering its fields and adding new ones. These table views are essentially v_edit_inp_subcatchment, vi_subcatcentroid and vi_subcatchment.
This is a set of actions that can be found in Info Layout inside EPA tab. These actions enable the user to manage flow regulators (orifices, outlets, additional pumps and weirs) and demands for any element. When inserting any flow regulator, it is mandatory to fill the following fields: order_id, to_arc and flwreg_length.
This prevents the user to insert features from different explotations into a psector that belongs to a specific exploitation.
The table selector_plan_psector has been removed from the database, as it is deprecated.
Some of the transactions used one table to store the output information while executing the process. This fact prevented other users to execute some process at the same time, as the table could only be used by one process at each time. To solve this, these kind of tables have become temporal tables. This resulted in a better performance of some relevant procedures in terms of time execution and database usage. The procedures that have been enhanced by far are the following:
Flowtrace and flowexit (UD)
Graphanalytics minsector (WS)
Graphanalytics mapzones (WS and UD)
Mincut (WS)
When running mapzones function, you can choose if you want to commit changes or not.
Commit changes=true: Mapzone polygonal geometry is recalculated and mapzone id of related features is updated.
Commit changes=false: None of thes changes are done. Results are stored on auxiliar layers so you can view it before and only apply when you are sure that the results are correct.
Since this version, when commit changes=false, this auxiliar layers are automatically loaded to QGIS project via Temporal Layers. This way is much easier to view the results, without the necessity to perform an advanced query as it was before.
Loaded layers are only related to:
Resultant arcs, categorized by mapzone.
Resultant polygons, categorized by mapzone.
Node and connec results aren't loaded.
When using the Arc Divide tool, the inserted node will now capture the mapzone values of the divided arc. Specifically the updated values will be:
Presszone_id (only for WS)
Dqa_id (only for WS)
Minsector (only for WS)
Inflow column has been added to rpt_node table. It will be filled with data after running a full SWMM simulation.
Geometry of Raingage feature (only for UD projects) is now mandatory, since having NULL value on this column lead to simulation errors.
With this improvement, now tools that search for features should be faster than before.
User config files (stored on ...\user\AppData\Roaming\Giswater\3.5\core\config), which have been reported to generate some problems, now have been improved avoiding its crash on all the supposed cases.
Config_form_fields querytext for function, category, fluid and location_type had a mistake, because there was a filter for featurecat_id (following the standard for other features), but it doesn't apply for v_edit_element.
This filter has been removed and now the query works properly.
Two views related to psector budget have been renamed:
v_plan_current_psector_budget is now v_plan_psector_budget
v_plan_current_psector_budget_detail is now v_plan_psector_budget_detail
There was a bug when replacing operative node with a planified node. Connects were not properly inserted on plan_psector_x_connec table.
From now on, the layers that figure out in EPA World (EPA Point of View Button that recently exists) have different symbologies and colours compared to their parent layers. Therefore, the difference between both layouts is more noticeable.
This image shows the network from the point of view of inventory:
With the EPA World button activated, the network can be seen with a different symbology (see image below). This fact makes it easier for the user to notice the difference between the inventory elements and the EPA elements.
The field is_operative has been added to v_edit_tables. This field comes from the table value_state_type, which shows the operativity for each state type. By adding this field to the v_edit_tables, the user can see the operativity for all elements displayed in the v_edit_tables. Those elements with an is_operative = FALSE will not be exported to EPA. Only the elements with an is_operative TRUE are going to be exported to EPA.
This strategy has been developed to enhance the display of all network elements specially when there are elements belonging to other sectors which are located in the boundary of one with another.
Having one selected sector, when a node was connected to 2 arcs with different sector, one of the arcs looked like it was not accomplishing the topographic rules of Giswater, as its ending node belonged to another sector and eventually it did not appeared due to the fact that only one sector was selected.
To solve this, a new table view has been created with the name of v_sector_node. This table view shows the first connected node from the different sector which is connected to the arc that belongs to the current selected sector. This allows the user to see a well-connected network despite having boundary elements that belong to any non-selected sectors. It is a visual enhancement in order to see the network of a sector in a much better way. Its use may be remarkable for storages (UD) and tanks (WS).
A new widget has been added to the function which allows the user to specify a polygon layer (i. e. buildings layer). If specified, the address will be captured only for those elements of the input layer which intersect the polygon layer.
This can be configured on table config_toolbox. This table contains the configuration for every function in Giswater, which is stored in 3 main columns: functionparams, inputparams and active. In this case, the target function is called Get address values from closest street number and the column used for customization is called inputparams. This column consists of a json string that defines the widgets for every function in Giswater. The parameters that enable the user to customize the widget are the ones that belong to
"widgetname": "insertsectPolygonLayer"
which are "comboIds" and "comboNames".
The values for "comboIds" must be the name or names of the polygon layers, while the values for "comboNames" must be the name of user's choice according to the polygon layer name specified in "comboIds". There must be a value called "NONE" in both "comboIds" and "comboNames" in order to keep the functionality of the widget.
The user can add or remove as many comboIds and comboNames as wanted inside the widget intersectPolygonLayer, as long as json's syntax rules are followed.
This issue has been solved and now it is very unlikely to happen, thus enhancing user experience.
Inventory field on node, arc, connec and gully tables wasn't correctly managed on INSERT. Now this issue has been fixed, modifying edit triggers and use inventory field value on the right way.
A new variable allow users to decide if Result layers and Compare Result layers will be loaded when using Go2epa Selector.
It can be configured using the Advanced Menu on Giswater plugin.
ws_load_result_layers: If True, when using Go2epa Selector, if result layers are not loaded, they will be automatically loaded. Otherwise nothing will happen.
ws_load_compare_layers: If True, when using Go2epa Selector with compare option, if result compare layers are not loaded, they will be automatically loaded. Otherwise nothing will happen.
Until this version was not possible to configure any value from element_type table on featurecat_id field, because it was controlled by trg_config_control and only manage cat_feature table.
Now trg_config_control have been improved and allow also to configure values from element_type on featurecat_id field. It is only related to featurecat_id field on these tables:
Some processes executed by check project have been imporved to enhance its performance.
Some edition processes trigger changes on connects and its links. In this relase, connects (connec and gully) with assigned arc_id but without graphic link connection have been identified and correctly managed on every edition process with affectation on them.
The goal of this change is to avoid incorrect or missed arc_id assignations and automatize reconnection to the proper arc.
On detail, the processes which have been evaluated and repaired are:
Insert PLANIFIED node over OPERATIVE node.
Arc divide.
Arc fusion.
Feature replace PLANIFIED.
Util this release, if the list of items on the selector were so large that scroll down was needed, the check of a new item returns the position to the top.
Now it has been reparied and the position on the selector is keeped when checking a new item.
Four new columns have been added to minsector table to enhance its stats. It will be useful to summarize information of this map zone.
New fields are:
num_border: Number of border features separating one minsector from another.
num_connec: Number of connecs within the minsector.
num_hydro: Number of hydrometers within the minsector.
length: Total length of the newtwork within the minsector.
On Giswater's Toolbox process of Create Demand Dscenario from CRM, the possibility of creating a new Scenario using the Connec - Patterns has been added. Values from v_edit_inp_connec table will be used to create this new Scenario.
The EPA result manager button functionality has been changed. Now is possible to set different results as corporative, because they can be related to different exploitations. Until now only one result could be corporate.
Set corporate
button toggle the value of iscorporate on rpt_cat_result table. On corporate tables (node_add, arc_add, connec_add), result values are inserted or deleted. If feature id's collide, the inserted one will update old one.
Psector execute modes have been changed with the goal of making the manage of executed features easier, without having trouble between operative and planified topologies.
In order to achieve this, now, when executing or canceling psectors, its related features will be moved to traceability tables where consulting data will be clear and easy. Psector manager will still keep the alphanumerical basic data and the poligonal geometry around the existing features, but there will be no relations with inventory features.
New traceability tables are:
These tables will contain all the information stored on plan_psector_x_* tables plus the executed action (EXECUTE or CANCEL) plus all the information on inventroy table (arc, node, connec, gully).
As a result of the refactor there are 5 different psector states, with its related actions:
PLANNED - No action
ON GOING - No action
EXECUTED (Save Trace) - Related features will be inserted to traceability tables with Execute psector action.
EXECUTED (Set OPERATIVE and Save Trace) - The elements that were planified will become OPERATIVE state. The elements that were planned to be removed from the psector will become OBSOLETE state. In order to also mantain traceability, related features will be inserted to traceability tables with Execute psector action.
CANCELED (Save Trace) - Realted features will be inserted to traceability tables with Cancel psector action.
Traceability tables are ready to load onto QGIS project using Giswater's Load Layers button. By default, a useful symbology will be setted to establish a visual difference between planified features, obsolete features and affected features. Of course this simbology can be modified by user to set a more accurate style according to the needs.
Bug fix: dscenario manager get correct feature_type
Minor syntax fix for DATA & TIME section on Go2epa diaglo
Giswater's EPA options have been updated according to the lastest versions of EPANET and SWMM.
Bug fix on plugin's config files. Avoid duplicate rows and prevent plugin error.
New field 'expl_id2' have been added to all invetory tables (node, arc, connec, gully and link). The goal of this new field is to allow visualization of features that needed to be managed by two different exploitations.
For example, having exploitation A and B, if some parts of B are managed by someone who only have access to A, just set expl_id2 = A and these features will also be visible when only A is selected.
By default, expl_id2 is hidden on forms. Just set hidden=false on config_form_fields to show it on forms.
A new field have been added to man_netwjoin table. Named 'wjoin_type', its complementary to the one that had been added on .
A new user variable have been added to Config tool. It manage default value for workcat_id_plan field, which is used to assign a work catalog to planified features.
As it's only recommended to set this field when inserted feature is planified, new default value for workcat_id_plan will only work when state default value = PLANIFIED.
New variable can be found on Inventory layout (Basic tab) of Config.
A Print button have been added to Non Visual Object manager (only on Curves tab). It allows to export all curves with curve_type = SHAPE from the table and convert it to png.
Combo box widgets from these 2 buttons have been replaced by typeahead widgets, where users can type the text they are searching for. This change make easier to find the catalog when there is a long list of them.
Edit button have been added into the dimensioning form to make the edition of it's data easier for the users. Notice that, before this version, to edit the data of the dimension, users needed to use the default QGIS edit button.
It will also harmonize Giswater's forms; network forms already have the edit button into the form itslef.
One of the most recent mapzones on Giswater data model is the District. It represents the administrative boundaries of municipality districts.
In this version, edit triggers on the DB are capable to get automatically the data about which district an element is when inserted. Of course it's only useful if the geometry of the district layer is properly filled.
It harmonizes this mapzone to other ones, which already uses the capability of automatic data from geometry.
Two new fields have been added to mincut data to collect when the process is on execution.
Chlorine - To indicate if there is chlorine in the water on the mincut point.
Turbidity - To indicate if the water has turbidity on the mincut point.
These fields can be filled on the second tab of the Mincut form, only when the execution have started.
Two new filters have been added to Mincut Manager. They will allow users to filter mincut list using its Type (mincut_type field) or its Streetaxis (streetaxis field). This second filter function as a typeahead widget, which means that is possible to write and it will return matching street name results.
A new function (gw_graphanalytics_upstream_section_control) have been added to Giswater's toolbox to control if the section of consecutive conduits isn't consistent.
It compares section (geom1) data for conduits and warning users if there is some of them where it's section is bigger than the following conduit.
Now is possible for the users to open the plugin folder where all Giswater files (python and sql) are stored. The path will change depending on the active profile on QGIS.
The goal of this action is to provide a simple acces to this folder, which can be useful for administrators in some occasions. Finding the folder using this button will be way more easy rather than search for it manually.
Giswater's info over an Element will return the same form used in Add Element tool. In this form is possible to view Element information and its Relations with other network elements such as nodes, arcs, connecs...
The same form will be shown when using Search tool form Elements. In earlier versions a basic form was shown in this process, where Relations were not possible to visualize.
Manage this form allow users to consult Element's information faster and easily.
Three new fields have been added to man_meter table so they are now available on Meter type elements form.
real_press_max: sets the maximum real pressure on that meter getting it from the device.
real_press_min: sets the minimum real pressure on that meter getting it from the device.
real_press_avg: sets the average real pressure on that meter getting it from the device.
Difference between these new values and the ones related to pressure that already exist on node:
New ones: they are related to real values from an existing device on that feature.
Existing ones: calculated or functional values used on hydraulic modelization which cannot be real.
A new function have been added to Giswater's Toolbox. It is useful to set address to punctual network elements (node, connec, gully) getting it from its closest street number.
There are some parameters to be configured before running this process:
Input layer: NODE or CONNEC.
Selection type: Selected features or All features.
Type: To choose whether update ALL NODES, ALL CONNECS or just one feature type.
Field to update: To choose if you want to update POSTNUMBER or POSTCOMPLEMENT field. The most usual is postnumber, but if address number is not numeric, then you will need to update postcomplement.
Search buffer: Maximum distance to look for and address from the point.
Elements to update: To choose whether update ALL ELEMENTS or just the ones with STREETAXIS, POSTNUMBER or POSTCOMPLEMENT with NULL value.
A new function allow the automatic calcul of sander depth for Manhole, Wjump and Chamber features.
This process is controlled using a variable stored in config_param_system table named edit_node_automatic_sander. If TRUE, the calcul will be done every time INSERT or UPDATE is done on specific features.
Calculation is done setting the difference between sys_ymax and sys_y1 of both node and related downstream arc.
The result will be stored and updated on sander_depth field of node.
When using Review tables, you need to set field_checked as TRUE to send the revision to audit_review tables.
Now there is a new variable stored in config_param_system table named edit_review_auto_field_checked that, if TRUE, will automatically set field_checked as TRUE with any date modification.
This will prevent field users from forgetting to set this value or simply make it easier to use by automating the process.
Until now, there were 3 different status to establish the kind of changes that were done on the review. They were automatically set to review_status_id on audit tables. Now there is a new one:
New element.
There are changes on the geometry and maybe changes on the data.
There are only changes on the data.
(New!) There are no changes on the data or they are beneath the tolerance value but a there is a comment related to the review.
The comment when review_status_id=4 will be showed on review_obs field on audit tables.
They have now similar capabilities as node, arc and connec does.
Use Giswater info button to get the form and edit data
Insert new link using Edit toolbar Insert arc tool (it's still possible to insert using QGIS regular tools)
There are several ways to manage connections and their links when they are in a planified state.
For each connection with State=1 in the psector, a new link will be created in the database. There are two possible scenarios:
Connection in Plannified state - It will have 1 link in Plannified state.
Connection in In Service state - It will have 2 links, 1 in In Service state (which will be displayed without the psector), 1 in the Planified state (which will be displayed with the psector).
This second case serves to change the way of connection using the psector. To do it you have to:
Add the desired connections to the psector Relations.
Change the geometry of the link or its arc_id. It can be done in several ways:
Manually edit the link with the usual QGIS tools. In case the connection point is in a different section, the arc_id will be changed automatically.
Use the Set arc_id tool from the connections tab of the psector. On the selected rows you can establish which section you want to connect to. The connection point can be established as the closest place of the selected section (Set closest point) or the exact place where the section has been clicked (Set user click).
Some new fields have been added to review tables in order to allow revision of more accurate data. New available fields are:
Field_date: date of the revision(WS and UD)
Steps pp: to indicate the number of polypropylene steps (for manhole UD)
Steps fe: to indicate the number of iron steps (for manhole UD)
Steps replace: to indicate if some steps needs to be replaced (for manhole UD)
Cover: to indicate cover state (for manhole UD)
The address search now is capable of returning values even if writing mismatch any value on the street table. It will show similar values.
This is posible using Postgres extension called fuzzystrmatch. It will be automatically installed when the Giswater update is done.
Some new fields have been added to inventroy tables:
om_state: Establish operational state of the element (added for node, arc, connec WS)
conserv_state: Establish conservation state of the element (added for node, arc, connec WS)
priority: To set priority value of the element (added for connec WS)
valve_location: To set where the valve of the connec is located. For example: Garden, Parking, Ditch, Locker... (added for connec WS)
valve_type: To set the type of the valve related to a connec. For example: Ball, Gate, Butterfly... (added for connec WS)
shutoff_valve: Establish whether the connec has shutoff valve or not (added for connec WS)
access_type: Establish how to acces to the element (added for connec, node WS)
placement_type: If the element is located within another element, this field can be used to set exactly where it is placed. For example: Register, Facility, Stand... (added for connec, node WS)
crmzone_id: Related to which crm zone the connec belongs to (added for connec WS)
valve_type: To set the additional type of the valve, unlinked from the catalog (added for valve WS)
wjoin_type: To set the additional type of the water join, unlinked from the catalog. For example: Domestic, Industrial, Irrigation, Fire... (added for water join WS)
greentap_type: To set the additional type of the greentap, unlinked from the catalog (added for greentap WS)
cat_valve: To set the catalog of the valve related to greentap (added for greentap WS)
hydrant_type: To set the additional type of the hydrant, unlinked from the catalog (added for hydrant WS)
For those elements of the project that can be clicked using Giswater's info tool and return a basic form, an edition button is now available.
Drainzone is the first functional mapzone to be used on urban drainage projects. It will automatically sectorizate different zones given the OUTFALLS of the network, creating, as a result, the reach of every DRAINZONE.
Configuration is very similar to existing mapzones on WS projects:
Set true on config_param_system the variable for utils_graphanalytics_status.
Configure a new drainzone for every existing OUTFALL. On table drainzone, set a name, descript, expl_id and graphconfig (unlinke WS mapzones, here it must be only configured the nodeParent key).
Here is an example for graphconfig field (240 is the node_id of and outfall):
Having the correct configuration, you can open Giswater's Toolbox and find the function to run the Mapzones analysis. On WS projects it is located on Master section, but drainzone is considerated an operational process, so it is located on OM section.
As a result of the function:
Geometry of every drainzone on the current exploitation is updated (depending on the mapzone constructor method).
Field drainzone_id for every node, arc, connec and gully is set to its given drainzone.
If you don't check Commit changes variable, the results won't be automatically applied, giving the chance to firstly consult the results on a temporary table via SQL query. Once you have the desired results, then check Commit changes.
Now is possible to get some values of an EPA result and merge them with inventory tables, allowing users to consult these data on the main form of the element. Until now, these values were only available on the EPA tables of the data model.
To do so a new function have to be executed:
It could also be configured to run easily using the Giswater's Toolbox.
The result of the execution will be seen on the form of the elements.
For nodes the available data is related to demand, pression and head.
For arcs the available data is related to flow and velocity.
For connecs the avaiable data is related to pression.
These EPA related data will be stored in new tables of the DB called node_add, arc_add and connec_add. If the function is ran again with another EPA result, the values of these tables will be overwrited.
The capacity of executing a psector were available in lower versions, but there was a variable to decide which execution mode you want to use.
Now all the developed modes have been merged and they are all available without using any variable.
As a result, if the status of the psector is modified, depending on the value that is established, certain changes can be executed automatically.
The available states are the following:
PLANNED - For planned psectors. It is the most common as the initial state of a psector.
IN PROGRESS - When a psector is running. Your change does not run any automatic processes.
EXECUTED - For executed psectors. There are 3 subtypes:
Do nothing: It only changes the state but does not execute any automatic process.
Obsolete: The elements that were planned will go to the OBSOLETE state but it will be indicated by their type of state that they were previously planned elements. For example, the status type could be PLANNED DONE (status type names are fully configurable).
On Service: The elements that were planified will become IN SERVICE state. The elements that were planned to be removed from the psector will become OBSOLETE state. A copy of the psector will be generated to keep track of what you had planned.
CANCELED - When a psector is cancelled. The elements that were planned will go to the OBSOLETE state but it will be indicated by their type of state that they were previously planned elements. For example the status type could be PLANNIFIED CANCELED.
A new button have been added on the Relations tab of psector form. The aim of the button is to make easier to change the state or the doable value of some relations.
When using psectors in an advanced way, in some occasions it is needed to change the value of these two fields. Using the new button users can select multiple rows and then toggle value of all of them.
When an error or info message returns from an action in the form of the elements, this message will be shown in the top of the form. Here is much more easy to read compared to the top of the canvas, where it can be hidden or unnoticed.
Automatic node rotation logics was only available in WS projects until this version. Now the same logics have been added to UD projects, so automatic rotation for nodes will be calculated if Config tool 'Disable node rotation on update' isn't checked. If checked, this calculation will be disabled.
A new variable have been added to enable automatic fill of link data for point elements (node and connec) using Google Maps geolocation.
To enable it you just need to set {"google_maps":true,"fid":false} to edit_custom_link variable on config_param_system table.
With this variable enabled, each time a new node or connec is added, link field will be automatically filled with Google Maps URL to the exact position of the element.
This link can be easily opened by clicking on the path or using the Open link button on the top of the form.
Delete feature tool have been improved by fixing a bug which doesn't allow users to delete nodes that have relations with obsolete arcs.
Besides, now the tool shows if arcs are on service or obsolete before on Show feature relations.
Now it's possible to fully recalculate a mincut, even changing it's initial point. Until now it was only possible to recalculate having the same initial point.
To do so it's as simple as open mincut form and use again Automatic Mincut tool to recalculate clicking on another point. Affected network will be updated, but the data already filled will be mantained unless it is changed by user.
A new function have been added to Giswater's Toolbox. Not only will allow users to calculate the reach to the current hydrant network, but also will help defining new hydrant location.
There are different steps to take into account:
Firehose range - Variable length of the fire hose which will be used to calcul. By default 100 meters.
Process mode
Influence area - Calculates influence area of the current hydrant network.
Hydrant proposal - Duplicates firehose range to allow defining location of new hydrants.
Use proposed hydrants - If checked, calculation will sum current hydrant network with new proposed hydrants defined in v_edit_anl_hydrant layer. To add new hydrants to this layer is as simple as load it into the project and insert new points on desired places (no data needed).
Use selected psector - Takes into account currently selected psectors. If they have hydrants, it's influence area will be calculated.
The result of the process will be shown in temporal layers automatically loaded into ToC.
Notice that this process could be only used if om_streetaxis table on the DB is filled.
The goal of this table is to have the streetaxis information, same as ext_streetaxis table, but divided in every street crossing.
When adding a new curve using Non-Visual object manager and values are invalid, a warning message will be shown to users.
Geometry field have been added to waterbalance related views, so they can be loaded into QGIS projects and visualize waterbalance data using it's dma geometry. Affected views are:
Query used in Toolbox's reports now can be hide or shown using a simple widget.
A new variable named utils_use_gw_snapping have been added to config_param_system table. If its value is TRUE, Giswater's tools will automatically configure snapping options for network layers each time they are used. Otherwise, if FALSE, Giswater's tools will never change any snapping options, allowing a complete customized configuration in QGIS projects.
New editable views related to cat_feature have been added to Giswater schemas in this version. As you may know, cat_feature tables are where diferent feature types are defined. Then, every catalog have to be related to one of the values of these tables. These tables are editable and you could add some new types if it's necessary.
New views are:
v_edit_cat_feature_gully (for UD)
They are useful because only editing its values you'll change the data on the necessary 2 tables of the database, using a trigger.
This way there is no need to change common values on cat_feature table and specific values on cat_feature_arc/node/connec/gully as it was before.
QGIS new templates in version 3.5.024 already include these layers on Catalogs group, so they can be edited easily via QGIS.
Length and width of gullies can be configured in their catalog (cat_grate). These values can be used to automatically draw a polygon around the gully if double geometry variable is active.
Now it is also be posible to use Units field of the gully to multiply the length of the polygon, in order to represent on the map where some gullies lay one next to another.
Using this is as simple as fill Units field with the number of adjoining elements and, of course, have previously configured length and width in correspondent catalog and have active value for double geometry variable.
Until thise release you need to check wheter you want to search for orphan nodes that divide arcs or not. It was impossible to check both simultanously. Now the toolbox function to check Orphan nodes runs at the same time searching for:
Orphan nodes that divide arcs - Isn't node1/node2 for any of the arcs on the project.
Orphan nodes that doesn't divide arcs - Doesn't have related arc_id.
A new process have been added to Giswater's Check Project to check orphan nodes related to OM (explaiend in the previous paragraph). This new process (442) complements the existing one about orphan nodes related to EPA (107).
This way Check Project gets enhanced adding one of the most usual problems that networks can have and was missing in this check.
A new trigger have been added to mincut table to save the value of the modification_date field. The goal of this is to know which day the data of the mincut have been changed. Obiously, if the data have change the same day that this mincut have been created, modification_date won't change.
This is a new option in Giswater toolbox to make water balances by exploitation and period according the IWA standards, based mainly on inlet flow rates (system volume input) and water consumption (billed metered consumption). But if there is more information like unbilled authorized consumption, apparent loses or real loses, it would be possible to incorporate them to the balance too.
This function is linked with the DMA calculation and if you needed, you could recalculate them when you run it.
In this process is possible to check different reports from the balance like full water balance, input water by exploitation, Non-Revenue Water (NRW) by exploitation and water consumption. All of them you could filtered by DMA and period.
A new widget showing the execution time have been added to some dialogs which execute processes that can last some time. This can be helpful for users to analyse timings and be aware that the process is still running in case that this last for a long period of time.
Now is possible to update an existing workspace setting the current configuration. Of course the previous configuration of this updated workspace will be lost.
Additionally, now is also possible to delete the current Workspace, which was not possible so far.
Some improvements have been done to reporting tool of Giswater Toolbox:
Description of the report and executed Query are now seen in the top of the form
Now this process is a thread.
Manage NULL's that were causing a crash.
A new variable called edit_mapzones_set_lastupdate have been added to config_param_system. It allows user to choose if lastupdate field of arc, node, connec or gully will be updated or not when dynamic mapzones algorithm is executed.
As this is a usual process, it can be interesting to don't update this field every time, as the goal of the field is to save information about last manual update of the data.
Default value of this variable is 'false'.
When somehow the value of node_1 or node_2 on arcs is NULL, users are now capable of just write down the node_id in the custom form widget and the arc will be reconnected to such node and topology recovered.
There are three main columns on UD schemas to manage elevation data:
Even they are all editable, it's mandatory to only fill two of them, otherwise values will be redundant. In this version this redundancy begin to be controlled, in two steps:
A new variable edit_check_redundance_y_topelev_elev have been added to config_param_system table. If true, node and arc forms will show a warning message every time a redundant value appears (it will also show warning for existing values even the form is not in editing mode).
A new parameter related to redundant values have been added to check project (and OM check data). Every time these processes are executed redundant values will be checked, returning if there are some or not.
In this version, widgets configured as hyperlinks in element's custom form are editable. This is only possible when form is in edition, otherwise, the hyperlink will work as always, redirecting to the URL on click.
This propery isn't configured by default. To allow the hyperlink edition, config_form_fields table must be properly configured: column 'iseditable' must be TRUE for the desired formname and columnname.
When inserting a new node or connec, the value for static pressure will be automatically calculated. This will only happen when:
Elevation value of the element is already filled or user fill it before Accept.
Presszone related to the element is filled and its 'head' field on presszone table has value.
The result value of static pressure is: presszone.head - elevation.
This value will always be recalculated when presszone of the element change.
A new default value is now available on Configuration tool of Giswater to manage a default value for ymax on nodes. This value will appear automatically on node forms when inserting a new one. As always, this value is manually modificable inside the form.
To search in the Address tab, now is possible to set a default value for the first widget, Municipality. This can be useful on networks distributed within many different municipalities, because some users may need to search always in the same municipality and they can configure this value to be already defined.
It needs to be set on the Configuration tool of Giswater, in the Basic first tab.
Now is possible to enable the automatic recalculation of a mincut when click the Start process button.
The resulting mincut could be different if the affected network have suffered changes from the moment that mincut was planified. For example:
Some valves have been closed
Some arcs have been changed
Some connecs have been added or removed
This recalculation is not enabled by default. To use it, redoOnStart variable from Mincut settings on Configuration tool of Giswater needs to be set 'true'. It's also possible to configure the number of past days from the mincut planification to execute this automatic recalculation or not.
Two columns have been added on node and connec mincut result views, to provide some additional information when a mincut is calculated. These columns are:
Mincut result node: node_type (type of node affected by the mincut).
Mincut result connec: customer_code (code used to relate connecs to other DB).
This feature have been developed according the agreement of Giswater Association with BarcelonaTech University in order to connect Giswater-SWMM with IBER enabling a real drainage coupled model 1D/2D. The goal is to generate a gully CSV file at th same time as the INP file is generated. This CSV file contains all the information that IBER needs to work with 1D/2D coupled model.
Many improvement have been done in this release to work with the 1D/2D coupled model. It is possible to emphasize:
New parameters have been added on gis-side for gullies as well as groove dimensions or grate_location.
New two epa-type objects have been defined on epa-side: gully and netgully with all parameteres that IBER needs to work with 1D/2D coupled model as well as outlet_type, method, a,b weir_cd o orifice_cd.
New widget on go2epa options dialog have been create in order to control this exportation network geometgry generator
with two options (1D-SWMM / 1D-2D SWMM-IBER)
In case of the new object epa_type: gullies, only will be exported on the csv file used by IBER to load gully. SWMM file will not have it.
In case of the new object epa_type: netgullies, as well as it will be exported as JUNCTION on inp file, will be also exported on the CSV file as another gully.
The valve management on ws inp export files have been simplified. In fact, widget have disappeared. The status on gis-side acts as primary status (only open or closed) and the status of epa-side acts as secondary status which it means that when the gis-side is open the status of valve will be the status defined on epa-tables.
At the same time the mincut_result strategy have been removed from this side and have been added on the dscenario manager as well as one scenario more.
Until now, CRM values could only be related to connec features. In this version, the possibility to establish CRM values related to a Netwjoin -a specific kind of node which acts like a connec but breaking the network- have been enabled.
Netwjoin table has customer_code column, which will relate this node to hydrometer values and so is possible to create Dscenario demands using both connecs and netwjoins.
Among some bug fix, some improvements have been done on the dscenario manager button. It is possible to emphasize:
New button in dscenario to add layers to ToC easily. By click on this button, new layer will appear on ToC in order to make easy the massive edition of rows by using the native attribute table editor of QGIS.
Enable dscenario strategy for controls and rules. On this version it is possible to create also scenarios for controls and rules, enabling new borders on the dscenario strategy.
New actions and buttons. Duplicate scenario button and create dscenario valve from mincut action have been added on this version.
A new parameter have been added to system configuration. It's goal is to automatically update values on inventory tables whenever values are changed on epa tables (inp).
To use it, status on parameter EPA auto update inventory tables on the Configuration tool of Giswater must be 'true'. Then, it's also mandatory to configure the SQL query which will be executed if changes are made in the different available sourceTables. For example (the alias on the query are mandatory):
UPDATE man_tank t SET hmax=maxlevel FROM inp_tank s
UPDATE man_valve t SET pression_exit=pressure FROM inp_valve s
UPDATE man_pump t SET power=powerFROM inp_pump s
It's important to know that columns from both tables are deeply related, which just happen in some cases.
This button, previously only used to load child layers, now allows to load most of the usual layers that Giswater needs.
It's divided in 5 diferent groups. Every one of them also have subgroups where related layers are available to be loaded.
If a layer is already on the ToC, it's checked. To load a new one, just check the box and the layer will be loaded automatically, located in it's related group (only if the name group of the ToC is exactly the same as it is in the button).
Taking advantage of the refactor of Add Layer button, QGIS templates have been updated. Now they have less layers, in order to maximize its performance.
The groups of Admin and Edit have been deleted. The same way, other not relevant layers have also been removed.
In any moment that a layer is needed, you can use the Add Layer button to load it automatically.
The remaining available templates are:
Inventory: Layers for Network, Catalogs, Mapzones and Basemap.
OM: Layers for Mincut (WS) and Flowtrace (UD) (+ Inventory).
EPA: Layers for EPA Catalogs, Hydraulics and EPA Results (+ Inventory + OM).
Master: Layers for Psectors and Prices (+ Inventory + OM + EPA)
Two new columns have been added to this table, which acts as a catalog of every process that Giswater execute to check the state of the project or other functionalities that store resulting information. New columns are:
isaudit: To configure which of the processes are auditable or not, related to audit function.
fprocess_type: To categorize processes in order to allow a better understaing of the results.
To migrate network data from other sources it's necessary to disable some of the configuration variables, in order to allow the insertion of the data even if they have some topological issues.
To make easier the migration process, this new function (gw fct admin manage migra), available on the toolbox, will turn off all these configuration variables at once. This way, the user will be ready to migrate data only by running this function.
Upgrade database and driver in order to make compatible with lastest version of EPANET 2.2. Main changes are related to the possibility to use the demand model PDA (presure driven analysis) as well as the owerflow on tanks, among other capabilities.
Upgrade database and driver in order to make compatible with lastest version of EPANET 5.1 (5.1.015). Main changes are new options on dynamic wave as well as new features and options for LIDS analysis, among other capabilities.
Full refactor of CRM architecture linked with EPANET tables. The main change is that, to use CRM values, now it is mandatory to create a demand scenario before. By doing this, user has a better traceability and more control of the whole workflow.
A new column parent_id have been added to sector table. It will be useful to relate some sectors to a parent (on the same sector table), in order to copy the same configuration or permissions of the parent sector.
A new column expl_id have been added to some EPA catalogs in order to manage its related exploitation and filter data using selectors. Affected tables are:
cat_hydrology (UD)
cat_dwf_scenario (UD)
Improve the generation of inp file creating another column (linked with the description on EPA canvas) with valuable additional information to trace and debug. Mapzones or feature_type, among others, are showed in this new column, by using a space separator.
During the configuration of dynamic sectorization, the use of Undefined sector is usual. Some parts of the network became related to this sector because they aren't well configured yet. To a better manage of this sector and its related network:
Undefined sector has been added to the selector_sector
Undefined sector is forced to DISABLE on running Go2EPA.
A new widget on the sectorization dialog has been added. Here the user can assign to every arc and node a value to not let them be disconnected (sector_id = 0).
Other prices tab has been improved. Now all the information is displayed in the same tab and the way of Add or Remove additional prices is easier. A more user friendly tool than before.
Until now to manage the pavament related to the arc was mandatory to fill plan_arc_x_pavement table. In this version pavcat_id has been added to arc table. Now it's possible to relate the pavement directly to the arc, without filling any other table.
The other table will reamain available to manage arcs which have more than one pavement. In this situation, plan_arc_x_pavement will be used the same way as before, assigning a percentage of the arc to every related pavement.
Get info plan function has been revised and as a result the performance of Plan tab for arcs has increased. Also, the way how different prices are loaded to this tab has been related to the use of pavcat_id on arc table.
It's very complicated to calculate a cost of a connec or a gully the same way Giswater does for arcs. So, columns related to cost in catalogs of connec and gully have been deleted:
This new function complements the use of the Change Feature tool. Now, Giswater control if the new feature type has the same posible values on function, location, category and fluid type fields. If not, these values won't be copied.
There's a new layer for polygons named 'v_polygon'. It works for any of the elements on the network that are able to have double geometry (node, connec, gully). The goal of this new layer is to allow users to use Giswater Info tool on it and return the form of its related feature.
To do so users will need to load this layer in the QGIS project. Then it's as simple as click using Gw Info over the geometry of the polygon and the Giswater form will be shown.
A new trigger function manage the value of active column on sys_addfields table. When active is set to FALSE, this addfield will be deleted from the related form and view. Otherwise, if active is set to TRUE, the addfields will return to the form and view automatically.
Config_report table now have a new column sys_role to group reports. Using this column the configured reports will be shown in the toolbox within different subgroups, the same way Processes have.
Add Giswater Layers button has been improved:
Bug fix on 3rd group layers which doesn't load properly.
Improved reliability when some layers are configured but doesn't exist on database.
A bug has been fixed regarding incorrect update when some values with autoupdate configuration were used (those related to urban drainage conduit sections and measurements).
A new button allows to select some additional nodes during the generation of a profile, because sometimes the end node can be reached by different paths from the start node.
The use of the button is simple. First you have to define the start/end node using the 'Set nodes' button.
Once you have the selection of proposed arcs for the profile, the 'Add additional point' button will turn on. At this moment you can click this button and then select which node has to be used as midpoint for this profile. After the click on node, profile will be recalculated using this new node.
More than one node can be added clicking as many times as necesary on 'Add additonal point' button.
A new variable allow users to select if they want to transform velocity results faster than 50 m/s to just 50. Only with this configuration is possible to run the complete import/export of the RPT file when having some values >50, because Giswater cannot manage non numeric '>50' value returned by SWMM.
To configure it, open the Advanced Menu of Giswater and configure as True the variable force_import_velocity_higher_50ms found on btn_go2epa.
Some bugs, found in the previous version, have been fixed.
A new function has been added to Giswater's toolbox to check T candidate nodes. This mean nodes which appareantly have 3 arcs connected, but topology is incorrect and only one of this 3 really connects. Usually the problem is one arc which is not broken by the node.
This kind of problem is common when a new network is migrated from other sources and could produce sever errors while executing hydraulic models because of this lack of conexion.
The Non-Visual objects are related to EPANET, they have no geometry, but have information that you can give to different elements and will run a process based on that. Until now, they were managed from the catalogs but with this new button, they are better managed. Also is important to say that they are equally important as the visual objects because they have data that is fundamental to the hydraulic modeling too.
This version has a new button associated to the Non-Visual Objects. Which are:
It makes possible to manage all of the Non-Visual objects. You can:
To create a new Non Visual Object, click the Create button at the moment you are situated on the tab of the object you want to create.
Curves and patterns could be assigned to an element that you have in the inventory.
In the other hand, controls and rules can be attributed to the different sectors that the project has.
Two new triggers have been added to the urban drainage schemas to allow users the direct modification of data using the views v_edit_cat_hydrology and v_edit_cat_dwf_scenario.
Using these new triggers it's not necessary to edit hydrology and dwf_scenario data using the raw tables (cat_hydrology and cat_dwf_scenario), which is more inconfortable.
Some new functions have been added to Import CSV tool in order to make easier the process of fill these tables:
The csv file must contain the same columns and order as these tables have.
When some arc has to be downgraded but it has connections, a form appear showing a list of these connecs. Now, when a row of this list is selected, the connec will be highlighted in the map canvas.
Having 'Disable node rotation on update' variable of Giswater's Toolbox in FALSE, now is possible to add 180º to the rotation value of any node. It's also necessary that the node have TRUE value on choose_hemisphere column from cat_feature_node table.
To do so, you just need to click Rotation button on the top of the custom form and then another click on the map canvas, near the node.
This process will add 180º to the rotation value and also will calculate hemisphere value, as it did before.
You will only see results in the canvas if the symbol of the layer is managed by 'rotation' field.
There are 2 new functions on Import CSV tool to import data for scada and hydrometer values.
Import scada values inputs:
node_id - id of the scada feature
value_date - date of the value
value - water volume
Import hydrometer values inputs:
hydrometer_id - id of the hydrometer
cat_period_id - period related to ext_cat_period table
value - water volume
value_date - date of the value
These imports will fill waterbalances tables, which data is mandatory if you want to use waterbalances processes and reports.
When running Go2EPA on WS project, all features with epa_type = INLET will be transformed to:
RESERVOIR - when there are as many pipes as you want but all are related to same sector.
TANK - when there are as many pipes as you want and there are at least two sectors involved.
A new variable has been added to Mapzones analysis process. In the form of the function, now is possible if you want to commit changes or not.
Unselecting this checkbox will also run the same process but not changing inventory values. It can be very useful to run a 'test' process.
To see the results you can query using this values fid values and then symbolize using the filled column:
Harmonize Check OM and Check EPA functions and delete process executed in both functions. Now check project will repport improved information, including fid 106 which check duplicated nodes and the control of missed materials for arcs.
Previously the only way to check duplicated nodes were Giswater Toolbox, but now they will also apear on general check project.
A new function to check all the exploitations separately and save results into audit table. This way the audit table bring the possibility to extract really valuable information about the health check of the project and how it changes day by day.
Only enable 'User Selectors' as execution mode on Check OM data and Check grafanalytics from toolbox.
Enhance trg_edit_link to prevent error when one connect find itself as end point, because the link to connect to network is very short.
The progress bar when creating a new database schema is now more precise, showing every task and process executed.
Improve the management of pyqtSignals by storing them when they get connected, therefore allowing much better control over them in case they get lost/broken.
If you use a pgService to connect to your PostgreSQL database, now is posible to use Giswater and create a QGIS project from template, the same way as if you use a regular connection with all the connection parameters.
It's no longer posible to create a schema with the name with a reserved word of the database: as, for, table...
When inserting a new node, arc or connec using Giswater tools, snapping is automatically configurated in these features, but layers from other sources will keep it's snapping configuration.
Now is possible to open or close a valve with no need of open its form. A new access is provided when right-clicking the valve using Giswater Info tool. If the valve is open, the tool will close it. Otherwise, the tool will open it.
Until now, State Selector has displayed the three diferent states of Giswater. Now only OBSOLETE and OPERATIVE are displayed. To show PLANIFIED network is mandatory to use Psector Selector, where all the complexity about planified network is used.
To allow this usability to every user, Psector Selector now is visible for every role of Giswater. Before this versions Psector Selector was only displayed for role_master or role_admin users.
When adding new layers using Add Giswater Layers tool, these will be loaded using a QML style defined in the DB.
The default value of these styles is the same that is used in QGIS templates provided by Giswater.
These values are defined in sys_style table. If you want to customize the values, it's possible to modify stylevalue field. You need to previously save the QML style of the layer you want to change and then update this field with all the text of the QML file where idval = the name of the layer.
Obiously this QML style has to had logical relation with the layer (fields used to symbolize or geometry type).
A new default report is provided on the Report section of Giswater's Toolbox, returning information about water consumption sumed by DMA and period. Also these default filters (period and DMA) are available to enhance the usability of the tool.
It enables the possibility to the users to create a new customized method to generate the geometry when the dynamic mapzone algorithm is triggered.
As you may know, this functionality is available on Giswater's Toolbox. To configure this new method there are two main things to do:
Configure geometry value with a query on utils_grafanalytics_custom_geometry_constructor parameter of config_param_system table. A default example is provided.
Configure a new comboId=5 and a new comboName on the inputparams from table config_toolbox where id=2768 (Mapzones analysis)
One useful example is to draw the mapzone merging some CRM polygonal values. It will allow you to clearly visualize which mapzone is related to every CRM zone.
A new rule has been added to avoid the elimination of these values, because if it happens then dynamic zonification crashes.
Giswater Hydraulic Sectors can be related to a bigger Macrosector, which is an aggregation of different Sectors.
To manage its visualization easily, now is possible to use the Macrosector Selector. It will allow the user to choose which Macrosector wants to visualize and, automatically, all the related sectors (the ones with selected macrosector_id value) will be also selected on Sector Selector.
The configuration must be done enabling (isenabled=TRUE) the parameter basic_selector_tab_macrosector on config_param_system table. It's also possible to change the order of the selector on config_form_tabs table, orderby column.
Now raster layers, like raster DEM layer on Giswater sample, are ready to load using Add Layers tool.
A bug has been fixed on loading layers with more than one field used as primary key.
Until now, to do a mincut only related to hydrometers, users have to search them using filter by connec customer code and hydrometer customer code. A new variable allows to configure which values will be used as filters to search the hydrometers.
Using om_mincut_hydrometer_filter parameter of config_param_system table, user could define field1 (from v_edit_connec table) and field2 (from v_rtc_hydrometer table). It's also possible to define the labels to show in the form (label1, label2).
Besides being a table to consult existing information, this tool allow users to perform some actions:
Create new demand from ToC - Create demand dscenarios from CONNEC or JUNCTION.
It moves demand & pattern data from source to inp_dscenario_demand. Works with epa layers (v_edit_inp_connec or v_edit_inp_junction) which means these layers has to be loaded.
Create empty dscenario - Function to create empty dscenario.
Create from CRM - Create dscenarios from CRM. This function store values on CONNEC features. When the network geometry generator works with NODE, demands are moved 50% to node_1 and node_2.
Create from ToC - Function to create network dscenarios from ToC.
Manage values - Manage values of one dscenario catalog (delete or copy from another one).
Selecting one of these values and clicking Execute button a new form will be opened to define final parameters of the action before running it.
New views has been added to UD schemas to manage Timeseries and Patterns.
Tables related to Curves, Patterns and Timeseries are filtered using exploitation instead of sector.
inp_timeseries (UD only)
It is so because filter by sector is very restrictive and has been proved that one curve, pattern or timeserie can be used in different sectors within the same exploitation.
Two new tables have been created in the UD schema to manage Low Impact Development (LID) controls. As you may know, LID controls are used to intercept stormwater and control it through detention, infiltration or evapotranspiration. They are available in SWMM 5.1 and now also in Giswater.
inp_lid - Catalog of LID controls like BIO-RETENTION, VEGE-SWALE, RAIN-GARDEN, etc.
inp_lid_value - To manage different variable values of the lid catalog.
It'll show the main information of the selected row in the table, making much more easier to read descripting fields of the psector.
Giswater draws a rubberband around the psectors when they are opened using Psector Manager or Psector searcher. Now, the duration of this rubberband is customizable by user. To modify this value, open the Advanced Menu on the Giswater Menu, find show_psector_ruberband_duration variable and modify its value. The default value is 5 seconds.
Only some specific values will trigger this functionality, because it's logical that some other values will always change when mincut is executed
Every functional mapzone () need to have two values that its dynamic algorithm needs to run properly. These values are always id's 0 and -1.
A new button has been added in the EPA toolbar to manage Demand Scenarios . All the existing Dscenarios will be available there, showing some of its information.
To enhance the visualization of psector data without opening its form, a new info box have been added to Psector Manager .